That band is deep throated more than MGLA. Vucks have a nice little racket going where they sell limited vinyls for a hearty pence. Fooqs prob heebs on the down low. :X
Daughters is like being trapped in an elevator with a bunch of sweaty armos. Its an "experience," but an unpleasant one. Only made it half way through before I had to come up for air. The Armo stank started to singe both my nostrils and my lobes. (Got hair in both places, so not that difficult.)

Band should do the score for BME Pain Olympics: The Movie.
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I've probably said this before, but you need to listen all the way to this song to understand that Daughters album. It's the rug that really ties the room together. It ain't an easy journey, but it's a damn good one when it clicks.

Also dudes I was fully planning on half-assing this voting round and just going with whatever I already liked but dammit, there's too many good albums. Scoped out several albums all the way through and...........dang. Some real weeenurz contained herein.
Well I continued, and I came away with nothing except bloody ears and a hatred for tournaments.

I appreciate what theyre TRYiNG to do, but this isnt for me in the slightest. Though I can see myself digging something in this sphere if it were RADICALLy different. There needs to be a juxtaposition to the cacophony. Let me take a deep refreshing flowery breath from time to time. This is just suffocation for near an hour.

Only song which I found that had any utility was "less sex." I could see a shortened version of that being perfect for one of those video montages commonly seen on FX dramas.
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sabbat rules

but oh my fucking shit the amount of generic ass black metal riffs i have to endure in this tournament
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Only just started on this Hallas album and although it's not totally my thing, it's at least a bit of variety and breaks this listening up a bit. I'm gonna enjoy it until I have to put Nile on.
I've always respected StarGazer for their impressive skillz, but I've never really liked them (and yet I adore Misery's Omen... lol idk).


This here Merging album is glorious. Keep the chops, improve the songwriting, worship the RIFF. :kickass:
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