Breaking Bad

Start watching Homeland, might be too early in the game, but this show is starting out strong. hmmm mmm Morena Baccarin.

Watched the Finale last night, mightily topples over any ep of Breaking Bad. Phenomenal acting up and down the roster, plus ye have some juicy tits to slobber over. Watch this show or GTFOoRC! The finale had me at the edge of my seat, though I was lying down, and even managed to make me teary eyed at one point. Tis how exemplary the cast performs their roles. If you like adult minded television catering to people with half a wit, watch this show at all costs. This is like the Bergtatt of Cable TV. It's as must see as Aria Giovanni finally deciding to take a dick. Not to be MISSED!
Shnikeys, I had my doubts on if they were able to retain the caliber of episodes that we grew accustomed to last season, and sure enough they did. Knocked out the first 2eps tonight, brilliant writing. Quite delighted that Mike is taking on a bigger role in the overall storyline. Best show on TV, hands down.
not going to read too far into that thread, for I surmise spoilers abound, and I'm only just starting season three, but Christ, is that Skyler bitch a fucking nuisance!!

From the start I never trusted her goddamn annoying and false housewife manners and all the conformist, etiquette-abiding bullshit. Like, cancer moral support groups, alternative therapies... "baby shower"? Holy fucking facepalm... x10000000

At some point I felt kind of sorry for her with all the lying and shit going on but then the way she turned on Walt?! and will probably end up cheating on him with that disgusting corporate prick... Where's the decency woman? Can't you fucking accept that your husband is a criminal with a double life and a record of murder? Get a grip ffs!

I think she needs to die soon, preferably slowly and horribly at the hands of some of them awesome Chicano villains. And her sister should go too, insufferable bitch that she is...
I wish I could un-see this show so I could go back to not knowing what happens in Season 4. Good Lawd what an ass clencher! :OMG:

You're gonna love Gus, by the way. And Mike.
three episodes in season 4; OK Skyler has redeemed herself to some extent. Sister shitface too but I still wish her dead. Come think of it there's no one I want left alive save Walter and Walter Jr. I love Mike but his character needs a good bloodspattered death.
hey dick he doesnt know that yet cause he's at the beginning of the season so maybe if you're not a jerk you should delete that or something
I can't exactly remember where I left off on Netflix before I cancelled my 3rd or 4th free trial. Early into season 4, I think. Gonna have to wait til I renew Netflix before I can go any farther. I do hate Skyler, though; she and her largemouth bass lips can f' off.