Breaking Bad

I'm surprised people hate Skyler. I thought her character was well thought out and executed quite well by Anna Gunn.
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Yeah I have no reason to watch this show after everything was ruined yesterday.

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How would you even know?

You have no epistemological backing here
Hey don't bring the church into this. :loco:
that's a pretty fancy word, so im inclined to just go ahead and agree.

NAD, watch Breaking Bad! i heard its the best show since The Wire!
:tickled: or I guess his face goes :hypno:

I've watched a few episodes, my wife was hooked and I watched a chunk of the first season, and whichever one had the exploded teddy bear bit. It's pretty god damn cool I must say, but I really don't keep up with TV shows anymore. BUT... it's on my list if/when I do once again.
it's one of those rare shows that really does get better and better [even if it pisses you off sometimes (which is actually good, because it doesnt give you that happy predictable formula your simple ape brain subconsciously craves)]
91.36% of people do NOT say goodbye on the phone here anymore. It's fucking weird.

But, since Bryan Cranston is awesome, that nearly makes up for it. USA! USA! USA!
^I think they ended it that way JUST IN CASE they didn't get picked up for a final season

Season 5 is where things go from BREAKING Bad to BROKEN Bad. The final 8 are gonna be INTENSE.
Definitely not

But, knowing the writers, it's DEFINITELY gonna be something we don't expect
They've been building up to something like this, and it was great, splendid acting from all sides.

I now just wonder how they're going to fit a final showdown and tie everything up in only two episodes.