
When I have the money haha (read: not for a few years I guess :(). I'd absolutely love to go though aaaand I've never had homemade beer before.
Hey guys one of my friends that are a littel into this just sent me a recipe and i was wondering how good it is ? :) i know it would be too much to ask to ask you to make it :D but from the looks of it how would you think it is ?`And i am sorry but the Recipe is not so good in English that's why i am gonna post it in Danish aswell :)

12 kg honey
100 g baker's yeast x)
20 g chalk
250g raisins
100 g of hops
10 g of nutrient salt (sec. ammoniumfosfat)
20 g rosemary
1 letter enzyme fining
8 g of thyme
70 g tartaric acid
3g white carnation
1 kg maltextrakt
6 g allspice

1. Today:
6 kg honey boil 1 hour in 6 liters of water containing 10 g of chalk. Skimmed
removed 100 g of hops boil for 3 liters of water for 20 minutes.
All other spices in gauze bag boil in 2 liters of water for 10 minutes.
Boil raisins in 2 liters of water for 10 minutes. The boiled honey and hop -
and spice filtrate cooled (f.eks.i clean plastic container). When
temperature is approx. 30 degrees, add baker's yeast (or vingær)
nutrient salt and enzyme clarification.
3 to 5 days later:
6 kg honey boil 1 hour in 6 liters of water containing 10 g of chalk. Skimmed
removed. Maltextrakt provides a brief rehash of 2 liters of water (perhaps by
honey water). After cooling (30 degrees) are added in
plastic container.
When the stormy fermentation after a few days has slowed poured into gærblandingen
glass balloon, possibly. under filled with boiled cooled water and gærrør affixed.
Placed in a room at 22 degrees.
After 2 to 4 months omstikkes 1 time after 6 months omstikkes 2 time.
Later omstikkes after 1 year.
Part of the honey are advantageously replaced by the corresponding
amount of honey in 2 4 old pollen panels (not moldy).
Once fermentation is complete, add after racking 1 letter
sulfur powder or 4 grams kaliumpyrosulfit. 14 days later, add
hydrogen peroxide.
Mead can be collected on bottles 1 months or years later, and stored 1 year. Good
mead can be kept for 30 years.
In baker's yeast with up to 14% alcohol, possibly. slightly more with vingær.

12 kg honning
100 g bagegær x)
20 g kridt
250 g rosiner
100 g humle
10 g næringssalt (sek. ammoniumfosfat)
20 g rosmarin
1 brev enzymklaring
8 g timian
70 g vinsyre
3 g stødt nellike
1 kg maltextrakt
6 g allehånde
x) vingær kan anvendes i stedet
1 brev svovlpulver, eller 4 g kaliumpyrosulfit
50 g brintoverilte (modningsextrakt)
1. dag:
6 kg honning koges 1 time i 6 liter vand tilsat 10 g kridt. Skummet fjernes, 100 g humle koges i 3 liter vand i 20 minutter og filtreres. Alle øvrige krydderier i gazepose koges i 2 liter vand i 10 minutter. Rosiner koges i 2 liter vand i 10 minutter. Den kogte honning samt humle- og krydderifiltrater afkøles (f.eks.i ren plastbeholder). Når temperaturen er ca. 30 grader tilsættes bagegær (eller vingær), næringssalt og enzymklaring.
3 - 5 dage senere:
6 kg honning koges 1 time i 6 liter vand tilsat 10 g kridt. Skummet fjernes. Maltextrakt gives et kort opkog i 2 liter vand (evt. af honningvandet). Efter afkøling ( 30 grader) tilsættes det i plastbeholderen.
Når den stormende gæring efter få dage er aftaget hældes gærblandingen i glasballon, evt. efterfyldes med kogt afkølet vand, og gærrør påsættes. Anbringes i et rum ved 22 grader.
Efter 2 - 4 måneder omstikkes 1. gang, efter 6 måneder omstikkes 2. gang. Senere omstikkes efter 1 års tid.
En del af den nævnte honning kan med fordel erstattes af tilsvarende mængde honning i 2 4 gamle pollentavler (ikke mugne).
Når gæringen er afsluttet tilsættes efter en omstikning 1 brev svovlpulver eller 4 gram kaliumpyrosulfit. 14 dage senere tilsættes brintoverilte.
Mjøden kan tappes på flasker 1 måned eller år senere, og lagres 1 år. God mjød kan holde sig i 30 år.
Med bagegær opnås op til 14% alkohol, evt. lidt mere med vingær.

Again can anyone give feed back on how good this is? in theory :D
That seems to be rather overcomplicated, and I'm not sure what kind of flavor you'd get from all that weird shit and boiling the honey. Almost seems like some odd cross between mead and beer.
That seems to be rather overcomplicated, and I'm not sure what kind of flavor you'd get from all that weird shit and boiling the honey. Almost seems like some odd cross between mead and beer.

Did it really say chalk or am I thinking of something totally different help me here Bates I know nothing of brewing!!
Got an email last night from my brew mentor.
He had just tried my dark smoked lager and for the first time in his life awarded a perfect score!

I'm happy :D

Also on another note, will start thinking about what brewing stuff to order, first brew of the season possibly already on sept 13.
Hey guys one of my friends that are a littel into this just sent me a recipe and i was wondering how good it is ? :) i know it would be too much to ask to ask you to make it :D but from the looks of it how would you think it is ?`And i am sorry but the Recipe is not so good in English that's why i am gonna post it in Danish aswell :)

Again can anyone give feed back on how good this is? in theory :D

Well, if it's gonna be your first mead, sounds a bit too complicated, but it will work for sure!
If to add chalk or not, depends on what type of water you have and what sort of character you want.
Adding chalk (brewers graded, make sure of it!) will make the brew "dryer" with a more enhanced bitterness.

I'd replace the yeast for some mead yeast, beer yeast that can stand high alcohol or possibly wine yeast.
I've had mead made from bakers yeast, but generally it gets better with a yeast mean for beverages.
Swedish Championships of home brewed beers will be held in Göteborg 2010!
Preliminary date is April 24.

For once I can competet in the Peoples Choice awards without having to travel miles and miles with my beer to do it, so it will be my first "real" SM (Svenska Mästerskapen) competition, since I've only competed in the "Correct beer type by judges" competitions before.

I've done well in peoples choice in local Göteborg championships in the past, so of course hoping for a good palcement in SM as well!