Bugera amps

I would say inferior as it doesn't sound exactly like a 6505. Not that it is an inferior tone, it is a little different a little tighter and personally I quite like it, but for the sake of argument *Does it sound like a 6505 exactly?* then no, so in the eyes of a 6505 supremest it would be inferior.
But overall it has a great tone, the clean channel blows me away also!
Reverb is quite nice also :)

Here's a clip I made, it blows but you know....
*I copied the settings from Poidaobi's clip*


No bass, just guitars and drums :)

Nice clip man. There's very little discernable difference between the two.
Did you ever try the 333xl? I'm with you on the clean tone, its awesome.....almost "too clean" :kickass:
I see this thread has been revived....

Would just like to say I've had my 333 for a while now and still absolutely love it. It's like a XXX but it actually has mids! I have the option of a LOT of other really nice amps to use all the time and I never bother with them. My Bugera stays plugged in to my Mesa 4x12 and it does the job really well IMO. I use it almost daily and it went on tour as a backup head recently and actually was used for one of the shows. I have no doubts about how reliable it is after all the time I've had it going and after going on that short tour with zero problems to date.

I would like to basically second the notion of Godhasblessedme in saying that people that dismiss it purely because it's a clone or because it's financed by Behringer should put their assumptions aside and just use your ears....thats what you should be relying on anyway.

I would like to basically second the notion of Godhasblessedme in saying that people that dismiss it purely because it's a clone or because it's financed by Behringer should put their assumptions aside and just use your ears....thats what you should be relying on anyway.

It's cool to hate anything involving behringer. If they made the best sounding and most reliable amp ever created people would still find a way to bash it. The problems I've personally had with behringer have never been related to the physical build quality of the products but mainly the sonic properties which bugera seems to have no problems with. These amps sound great.
If they made the best sounding and most reliable amp ever created people would still find a way to bash it.
The problems I've personally had with behringer have never been related to the physical build quality of the products but mainly the sonic properties.

i totally agree with devoured reamains: it's cool to hate anything involving behringer. +1

i have behringer gear and it never failed me, it´s cheap and get´s the job done!!! (p.s. i don´t have a studio or something like that, i´m a pure hobbyist)

however their business practices.......well u know.......
In my experience, and through working in a shop that was a behringer dealer, they make some great PA gear thats very competative and very reliable. Their rack and studio gear isn't bad, not the best but its not bad if you're on a budget. Some of their rack gear thats intended for studio use actually makes a great addition to a guitar setup. I have one of their virtualizer pro units. Its a multi efects, a bit limited in that you can only use one effect at a time. The noise gate in it is superb and thats all I use it for. Some would say its a waste of a unit, but I got it for £40 and its far superior to any pedal noise gate I've used. Same with their ultrafex pro and their sonic ultramizer. We used to get quite a few metal players come in and want a BBE, which we stocked as well. Many that tried an ultrafex pro or a sonic ultramizer hooked up to an amp opted for them instead of the BBE units. I've got an ultrafex and the range of enhancement it adds is awesome. Their V-VERB pro is a great delay/reverb unit with some great simulations/models of some of the most well known rack gear.
Their guitar gear stinks, all of it (with the exception of their exelent rack tuner). The pedals look and feel cheap, and sound shite, same with their amps. Their guitars are just scrap wood with strings on them. Their V-AMP units are aweful. Compaired to a pod its like compairing a cheap line 6 spider to a 4 figure tube amp.
I would say if you're putting together a rig on a budget, try all the Bugera heads, try some behringer rack gear, just stay away from their pedals, cheap solid state modelling amps, and their God aweful cabinets.
As for dealing with the company, we never had a bad expereince with them. Orders always arrived promptly and well packaged. Enquiries were always dealt with quickly. Replacements were always dealt with no questions asked, although that was rare. Most people were satisfied and their gear was pretty reliable.
Behringer has some good stuff going on (mixin desks for example), but the transistor amps (Bass & gutar) just suck balls (tonewise).
I will probably get a 333XL, because I just don't have the fucking money for anything else right now (and Peavey & Mesa very expensive over here), and I am fucking sick of playing through a line6 pocket pod :mad:.
I've had a few run-ins with the Bugeras in recent times, and as much as I want to convince myself that they sound as good as higher-end amps, they simply don't. You know the difference as soon as it's plugged into the cab in front of you. There is something undeniably harsh and unpleasant about their character. I was hoping to get a 333 to use with impulses at home for demoing purposes, but ever since I heard it up against other amps, been finding it hard to force myself to do it.
But he's in Germany.

1169€ new 6505
1000€ used 6505 ...
too much for my purse :( (I am a student and also play drums).
So 1000€ is expensive for me.


BTW: 1)I owned a 6505+ but had to sell it to afford a new drumkit ( my heart broke)
2) might get an ENGL instead :) (I wanted to start eating less anyways )
I've had a few run-ins with the Bugeras in recent times, and as much as I want to convince myself that they sound as good as higher-end amps, they simply don't. You know the difference as soon as it's plugged into the cab in front of you. There is something undeniably harsh and unpleasant about their character. I was hoping to get a 333 to use with impulses at home for demoing purposes, but ever since I heard it up against other amps, been finding it hard to force myself to do it.

Depends which higher end amps you're talking about. I've actually always found the early 5150's and the XXX to be very harsh sounding, almost always needing some sort of enhancement (BBE etc) to get "that sound". The MKII and the 6505 are better IMO, but you still have to be careful how you dial them, the treble and presence can be overpowering if you dial em too high.
I tried my 333XL along side a 6505, a dual recto, JVM 410 and a Line6/Bogner shitty valve...whoops I meant spider valve :lol: I could have had any of these amps at trade price, with no VAT if I didn't have a reciept and paid in cash, through my mates at the shop. For me the 333xl had all the tone the others had, and was much better value for money. To be fair the L6 wasn't even in the running. Its a terrible sounding amp, only superior in head room to its solid state counterpart. The only hint that Mr Bogner has had anything to do with it is the badge on the front.
Their guitar gear stinks, all of it (with the exception of their exelent rack tuner). The pedals look and feel cheap, and sound shite, same with their amps. Their guitars are just scrap wood with strings on them. Their V-AMP units are aweful. Compaired to a pod its like compairing a cheap line 6 spider to a 4 figure tube amp.
I would say if you're putting together a rig on a budget, try all the Bugera heads, try some behringer rack gear, just stay away from their pedals, cheap solid state modelling amps, and their God aweful cabinets.

I have about 10 or so Behringer pedals, and while some of them are just passable (Hi-Band Flanger), others are totally awesome (Chorus Space-C, Ultra Vibrato). Most of them are clones of discontinued Boss units. I put the UV300 against the ridiculously overpriced and overhyped Boss VB-2 and could find no difference that would warrant me paying the equivalent of 5 to 10 new Behr pedals for one used Boss, apart for snob appeal of course. I actually liked the Behr Vibrato better. Same goes for some of their Line 6 pedal clones. And their Sansamp ripoff.

It's very cool to rip on Behr in the business ethics department. Having grown up in the third world I can tell you though, in some eyes they're the Robin Hood of the musical instrument industry. Maybe selling Peavey knock offs at half price is not very noble, but at least they're putting tube amplification in the reach of most kids. 500 euros difference in price is a LOT of money in some places. And I don't think what they did to the Boss line is wrong at all. If Boss had any sense they would reissue the pedals that they are aware go for hefty chunks of money on ebay, instead of giving us yet another sad digital emulation.

Uli Behringer may be a villain to the staff of any major equipment manufacturer, but in these he's a hero ;)

In the end, that's one company you know will make your dollar go the extra mile. They sure aren't Gibson, who would do better to pool their greens into cutting costs and QC instead of sponsoring garbage like Rock of Love or something similarly absurd.