Buying CDs

Southern Man I Am

Fiend Club
Jul 16, 2002
Haysi, VA
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I live in a really small town in Virginia and I don't have access to a lot of the metal that I really want. There isn't even a cd store in my town the closest one is an hour away. I was wondering how do you people get CDs. Store, Internet what is it?
When I want to waste money, and violate my policy of only buying stuff I've heard on mp3 first, I'll stop in to a local store and pick out a few discs that look interesting. That had usually worked in the past, but nowadays there's just so much out there that it's almost a losing proposition.

If I'm going off my wantlist, I'll go to one of a handful of online places and put in an order. No instant gratification that route, but I'm getting what I know I want, so it works.
There a store at a mall here (Puerto Rico) that has an absurdly incredible selection.I think its metal section is supplied by one of the island's metal distributors.Some of the import stuff is pricey (for instance,Enslaved/Monumension cost me $21,worth every penny too) but they also have some older classics at cheap prices.Its also just a half hour bus ride away.

I also get stuff from ebay...somethings cheap too (I won Deceased/Fearless Undead Machines at $.80 and Bruce Dickinson/Accident Of Birth was $2!)

Also will buy used from people on boards whenever possible.
Yes, mostly THE END, but if I'm at a CD store and I see a rare CD that I want, I'll usually give in and get it. But only if I really want it. Its so much cheaper over the web.:)
there is a store about 20 minutes away that sometimes has good stuff. a store in a mall that has a lot of good stuff but very spendy and a store that sells black metal. I hardly ever find what i am looking for. when i buy cds online i get from best site on the internet for cds. its kinds like a search engine.
I mostly buy from online distros cos even with postage fees the CDs are cheaper for me than buying from a regular store. apart from the price, I never find in stores what I want :s however, I sometimes look around in stores and every now and then I find good stuff for little money (like HEXX - "Morbid Reality" for 3 Euros :D )
CdOn sucks man... Not a single time have they ever made a clean deal... Either the units got delayed or else I was told, months after expected arrival, that they couldn´t get hold of it anyway... They dont even remove the particular stuff from their site!!!

Thank the gods for DieHards new metalshop...

Century Media's mail order is pretty good. Aty least the prices, I've never bought from them yet. Other than that, I have no trouble finding CD's. I've got at least three or four really good underground record stored within a block of each other, aboput an hours bus ride away. Last year in one of them I found In Flames Black Ash Inheritance in perfect condition(not a scratch on it) for 8 bucks.