I was thinking that the next best option might be The Ottobar. I believe Green Carnation played The Sidebar the night before they played Jaxx on their last tour, but both those bars generally run more in the vein of punk and hardcore.

I haven't been to the Ottobar, so I can't comment, other than to agree that they don't really seem to interested in the metal market.
Until Ram's Head stops catering to the college to mid-forties, jock-esque, classic rock/classic metal loving crowd, I don't see this happening. It is a rare occasion that you see anything remotely underground coming to play there and in comparison to the bands that they typically have playing there. I mean it's part of PowerPlant, so it's designed to draw that type of crowd. I would certainly consider C II C, and definitely Circus Maximus and Manticora underground metal bands, so the chance of them or anything like them ever playing at Ram's Head are slim to none. Like it or not, Jaxx is recognized by most metal fans and bands as the "premier metal venue" on the east coast, regardless of how shitty their set-up or sound might be on most occasions.

I completely agree... ya don't have to like it, but it is what it is... (I've said almost the exact same thing elsewhere... :) )
Besides, I keep telling people that Jaxx does not have a shitty sound system. Kamelot used the 100% of house system and sounded awesome, for example.

HELL YEAH they did.. made me a fan that night... Hearing 'Abandoned' with the lighting (at least where I stood - way back in the left corner on a small riser ) was perfect...

I can not WAIT for them to come back...
I think Kamelot must just have a really awesome sound guy because in the 3x I've seen them, their sound has always been awesome. And The Chance (the last time I saw them) doesn't exactly have the greatest sound system.
Last time they were at Jaxx, Arnold was doing their sound (he use to do Evergrey's sound... ) - the guys is very good with a sound board :goggly:

Yeah, Arnold was with Kamelot in Ft. Worth as well... I actually did a double-take when I saw him come off the bus and said/yelled to my friend: "Hey! That's Arnold - the sound guy from the Evergrey DVD!" He looked at me as though I had lost my mind. :goggly:
So for everyone else, and for the second or third time, there will be nothing west of Houston TX and there will be no FLA dates. Yes, I know CIIC are from Fla, but the Euro bands are not. And the Euro bands will be flying into Atl, so it does not make sense in a lucrative (i.e. can't lose our asses first time out) sense to travel an 18-24 hour round trip to play a show or two in Fla. Time and money simply will NOT allow for it.


Meh,sucks to be me and every metalhead in Fla>I'm used to it,hell,TSO skips Fla quite a bit.
I guess I'm going to have to tell my boss to get me a load out to Houston then
I haven't been to the Ottobar, so I can't comment, other than to agree that they don't really seem to interested in the metal market.
They get a few good metal shows there every now and then (if you are trying to get booked there it generally helps to know someone, but that seems to be the story for most smaller venues), but usually they get the older metal bands who can't play big clubs anymore (Quiet Riot played there a year or so ago) or more underground metal bands. They also have a really good DJ spinning on "Metal Mondays" who typically plays a good mix of all kinds of metal. It's a great place to be on a Monday night in Baltimore if you don't have to work the next day. :lol:

Baltimore hasn't had a good metal venue since Thunderdome shut down. I still miss that place, even it if was in a crap neighborhood.
Baltimore hasn't had a good metal venue since the original Hammerjacks (which I sadly never got to experience, but heard plenty about).

Baltimore had a good coke den and a decent metal venue when the Thunderdome was up and running. From what I understand if half the profits hadn't gone up the owner's nose, the place would probably still be in business. I miss that place. I saw some great shows there, but yes, it was in a crap neighborhood. (Nick and I had some guy try to sell us an 8-ball while leaving a show on Valentine's Day one year. :rolleyes: We got the hell out of there fast.)

RIP Thunderdome. :cry: :rock:
Baltimore hasn't had a good metal venue since the original Hammerjacks (which I sadly never got to experience, but heard plenty about).

I parked in the lot where Hammer's once was when I went to a game up there. Sad to think that it's gone - for about two years, it was a regular Saturday night hangout for me, even though I lived 75 miles away. When I think about the bands I saw there (Ozzy w/Zakk, Slayer, Dream Theater, T-Ride, Marillion, Leatherwolf, Guns&Roses, Wrathchild about 40 times, Kix about 400 times, etc.), I get all misty eyed.

I even remember some of them. :lol:

From what I understand if half the profits hadn't gone up the owner's nose, the place would probably still be in business.

Man, how many times have I heard THAT story. :(
You can always come and stay with us for the Atlanta show, Tess!!!! :kickass:

:waah: Room for the "other" sister? :Smug: hahah...

Best of luck for the rest of the booking and I will see you in Houston, Atlanta AND Virginia. WHAT do you think about THAT?! :)

Sooooo, where are you staying when you're in houston? I've heard Hotel Annabel is booked....:Saint: Juuuuust kidding sis!! (But really though - you need to talk to coughbroinlawcough about this....)