Can't buy the new album


New Metal Member
Jun 16, 2011
So yeah, I've been a big Amon Amarth for a few years now and I wanted their new album, Surtur Rising.

So I went down to my local musicstore, asked for the cd, got the reply: "No, we don't have it, and no, we can't order it home".
So what's the big deal you may ask - go itunes, or anywhere else.

Well, good question. But I really don't want just a digital download, and I certainly does not want the album from itunes.

Anyways, just wanted to tell you people how much I would love a singed Amon Amarth album :>

Dream on fanboys!
An odd attitude as the market is hard on independent shops... Unless most of their income is coming from selling popular shite. Some shops don't make much by placing special orders, but they still do it to ensure customer satisfaction and prevent you from buying online.

My advice is order online, you'll probably get it as quick and possibly cheaper than special order through a retailer. As for the signed album, it's another matter, you'll just have to be lucky and get it signed at some point. Which is much better anyway!