Cause you Lie, Cheat and Steal

Hehe.. Thanks Phil! :eek:)

On one hand I don't want to quit in my job... The job in
it self is useless and I hate it, but I love the people I'm
working with and I am getting a lot more responsability
than when I started... I also feel like I can make some

Then, on the other hand... Maybe this is a sign for me to
move on? Maybe it's time? My old job is safe, maybe I
need some new risks? :eek:) I dunno yet... But I am
constantly looking for new jobs... One day maybe I'll find
an ad that sounds interesting :eek:)
Originally posted by Blackspirit
Lol! That's not a job, that would be a hobby, as
there is no money in it! Hehe... >:eek:P *Damn* :eek:P

It's too bad that mostly of all the works that is fun and interesting isn't giving any money:(
By the way, hope you get better soon!

Today, it was my second day on the "prao" (prao = leaving off to work for 2 weeks, instead of the school). The working day is 8 and a half hour, and I am so bloody tired!!:mad: It feels like I waste 8,5 hours every day with carrying packages here and there and filling bottles with chemical liquids and other things. Though, the workers there are really good people.
I forgot to mention that we also have 8 damn schoolworks and exams (prov??) that are to be finished within 25 days... And during this working-time (total of 9 days) there is no further time to do that boring mindless things.

Yeah love is so complicated...i'm shocked by how fast i can get depressed if i think only a bit, and even more if i'm listening to some music :cry:

And with all the rain that fell in these last weeks many rivers around here overflew the banks, and rain is forecasted for the days to come, again :mad:
wow hiljainen sounds like the perfect setting for a suicide :) not really something to be smiling at huh? :cry:

but i know what you mean by how suprisingly fast you can get depressed. it sucks being lonely. when everything just seems to make it harder not to think about it. :mad:
I got back from Thanksgiving weekend in New York. It was nice going around the city and seeing some family, but damn was it cold and windy... no snow though.

On the way back, I had my flight canceled. I was able to get a later flight, but it was delayed quite a bit. So now I've flown out of Newark Airport twice, and both times I had flights delayed and canceled due to snow in Chicago... I'm not going back...

but, then again, I didn't have to sit in a car for 13 hours like my brother and parents who drove to NY and back.
Originally posted by The Nomad
I didn't have to sit in a car for 13 hours like my brother and parents who drove to NY and back.

OOoOOooOooooh!!!! I love that! I used to love it anyway! hehe...
As a kid we'd drive from 14-18 hours to the north of Norway.
I loved the feeling of just living in the backseat, and there's
nothing like cities during the night! All the beautiful lights from a
distance! :eek:)))

I guess I enjoyed the travelling so much cause it got me to
a beautiful place :eek:) But then again, I've always loved travelling,
no matter if it's been my train, car, plane, buss etc :eek:)

Anyways, what did you eat for Thanksgiving Nomad?! >:eek:)
Well, it's certainly fun sitting in the back of a car when you're going 14 up to 18 hours somewhere... but driving.. well, at some point I just feel that I can't concentrate anymore... but that's only an illusion, then I just put on some music in the car (loud enough that the one driving behind me can understand it too ;) ) and then I can go further. Made it to Drammen like that without any significant break, if you don't count some forced stop on the ferry ;)
Hm, last year, when I went to Sweden, I just stopped for petrol and the loo... 20 hours one way... won't do it again... but well, I said it already when I did the route from Glasgow to my hometown ( 22 hours), with 45 min ferry to Calais/France...
It's just tooo dangerous really, killer trips...