Cause you Lie, Cheat and Steal

sorry to hear that, DWD.

As for me, I'm having this terrible cold for weeks now and since I didn't manage to find sleep over the last few nights I finally went to a doctor today who gave me some antibiotic pills and some other stuff. Hopefully helps. I'm so damn tired.
@ Gauny: I excactly know how you feel... I can't take antibiotic, cause I react on it... so I have go through the shit with the normal stuff... the cold really gives me a hard time, but at least I manage to sleep ok... right now, I'm loosing my voice...

@ DWD, losing a member of the family always saddens most, my condolence...

@Phyros, best wishes that you'll find what ya need via google search and that you make it in time.
Well, since it is 5 AM and I am still siting here and writing this darn essay, I decided to pop by...:) And, well, thanks Line, and all others, I had allready done that ( :p ) but I was hoping there was some lurker or some other poster that I did not know about, and that that person should be able to help me out... darn, I think I have the thing solved, but it will cost me another nights sleep... Guess I only have my self to blame tho, so no right to complain...:) Ohh, and any of you who can read swedish is welcome to have a look at the result tomorrow...:) ( It did not say specificaly that I had to wite it in english, eventhough that is the costume, so I am just going to play the fool...:grin: )

anyways, you take care DWD, and as you have allready said, we are all with you...:)

-phyros ( the chef is going to cook some well deserved fish gratain *mmmmmmm* )
that's OK phyros, it's 11pm here. I was exhausted 2 hours ago, but I really wanted to see the documentary on Kofi Annan, so I was able to keep my eyes open through that. And now I can't fall asleep.

ka-spuck! And I'm pretty damn dehydrated because this hotel room has absolutely no moisture. I keep drinking water, but that just makes me have to pee, making me sleep even less.

@DWD: my condolence for you :o(

We are supposed to move to a new office... yesterday at noon we were told we move on Thursday-Friday... an hour later they talked about Monday... at 2pm they promised to call us back on Monday ... I don't want to move at all... it's an nice place where we are now.. and moving into a big hall where appr. 30-40 ppl is working together... i hope to get a safe little 'corner' for myself. :mad:
my cd player didn't want to play my Death cd anymore, so i hit my cd player several times and now it does not work at all. :-( i can't hear music now :'(