Cause you Lie, Cheat and Steal

Biology is fun DWD :)

Oh, and stop this complaining! You are not alone! We all are your friends, and eventhough that might not help as much as we would like it to do, you must stop saying those things, because if you say it to yourself, it will make you even more unhappy!
The only way to deal with depressions is to force them away with happiness! Go find some happiness, look for it actively! Do not sit back and hope for it to come and kick you in the arse ;)

-phyros ( never been kicked unless asking for it )
Nice way of putting it, phyros :) Somehow, I really dig your word constructions hehe.

And yes, DO cheer up DWD :) You wouldn't want to know how I felt before my final exams... especially considering I learnt barely more than the morning before them, you will pull that through, tho :) And final means that there won't be any after it, either, no? ;)
This is a small thing, but still very annoying..

The On Screen Display on my monitor just stopped working, and now it (the monitor) says strange noises, when I turn it on.

Cheap TVM shyte!
Originally posted by Rabenreich
And again I have to say "Suffeulen" *ggg*

:lol: ;)

Ok I thought I post something in German here, sorry to all people who doesn't understand, but I guess it is important and I'd like to pass it on:

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren
anbei eine wichtige Warnmeldung an alle Handynutzer:
Falls die Rufnummer +49137799090269 als Anruf in Abwesenheit
auf Ihrem Handydisplay erscheint, bitte NICHT zurückrufen. Es
handelt sich dabei möglicherweise um eine Fangnummer. Nach derzeitigem Kenntnisstand kann dabei die Verbindung bis zu einer Stunde auf Kosten des Handy-Nutzers
gehalten werden und Sie können die Verbindung nicht selbst wieder beenden.
Bitte geben Sie diese Meldung an Ihre Nutzer weiter, um
mögliche Schäden bereits im Vorfeld zu verhindern.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Deutsche Telekom
it would be too long to tell everything..but in short: it hurts when a friend doesn`t tell you something, you are supposed to know about.. so when u find out something had changed and ask him.. and he didn`t say anything, just repeating the fact and later you got to know he knew aobut it.. I feel confused :cry:
CRAP!!! :mad: Wanted to meet up with friends but since it just had started snowing again I cannot even get my car up the driveway from the garage to the street. Fuck! :cry:
@Phyros and Ziuwarian: Perhaps you're right. I know I have been bad about this a lot on here. And the thing is... I mean in a relationship... With a girl. Yeah, sounds stupid, I know. But I've never been in one, and I'm 16 years old. I want to take things slowly, but yeah...
Originally posted by Gaunerin
CRAP!!! :mad: Wanted to meet up with friends but since it just had started snowing again I cannot even get my car up the driveway from the garage to the street. Fuck! :cry:

We missed you there, it was sooooo funny, esp. with Zak...
@Ziu.. Thanks, glad that I have found someone that actually understand my twisted mind ;)

@DWD... I did not quite get your reply, but I have one final word one the subject, and this is not just for you, but for everyone out there that feels a bit on the bad side concerning the other sex.

There is this band and Sweden called "De Lyckliga Kompisarna" (roughly translated, "the happy friends") They have this song that helped me alot in dealing with these things when I was younger, like 14-15. The songs name is "vem behöver nån som behöver nån" (roughly translated "who needs someone that is in need of someone" ) refrain goes like this "var glad och stark, var glad och stark, för vem behöver nån som behöver nån"

Be happy and strong, be happy and strong, because who needs someone that is in need of someone.

Think about it. I do.

-phyros ( hopes that he can help someone )
"Can't establish connection. Check your Internet connection and reconnect ICQ."
:mad: everything is fine with my internet connection, damn it!

Also, our Swedish teacher wanted to tease us today with the following:
Sju sjösjuka sjömän på skeppet Skanör sköljde sju skjortor i sjön.
---> This is NOT funny *puts on desperate look*
Learning the sj sound are we ;) You want me to record it for you and send it, with the correct cothenburg pronounciation? :lol:

on the other hand, why don´t you record it and send it to me? so that I can correct those tiny errors? :)

-phyros ( schhoooooooova schääääng! ) wished I did that. But no way! Actually, no one of us even really tried - she just showed us and we continued with something easier.
But your movies are always welcome :grin: