Cause you Lie, Cheat and Steal

@Gauny; That sounds disturbing... I hate it when pictures get
stuck in your head, or things that you don't like play over and
over again in your head and you can't seem to stop it... :eek:/

I placed my order for the Canon 10 D cam a while back and got
on a waiting list. It all had to be registered manually over the
phone cause I got an error message when trying to order on the
web. The store would get the camera in last Friday and ship it
off to me as soon as possible, but guess what? I e-mail the
store today and ask if the cam has arrived yet and I get a
replay saying -->

"The owner is on holiday, I can't find a registered order in your
name. There is a loooong waiting list for the camera and it will
take a few weeks if you order today."

WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!??? *Wants to kill somebody*!!!! I can't
believe I let myself hope that I'd get the cam in time for the
Inferno! Now I'm probably last in the que, just cause this guy
goes on holiday! :'o(
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Gaunerin said:
huh......did you get any further with that cam-problem today? :/ ..... probably not if you haven't teared that guy away from his holiday ressort ;)

Lol! I got yet another orderconfirmation yesterday, but this time
the guy had changed the date of when they would have the cam
again... Received nothing but the confirmation, no "sorry, but
your last registration got lost" or "we have not received the cams
yet".....? I tried phoning them today after work, but I guess it
was too late... I'll try again tomorrow morning...
Yes we did get it and itwas nice meeting you yesterday again. Actually I met HellSpawn just when I was leaving the Rockefeller. :)
So I hope we all bang together today... When I watched Entomted and Vader from the balkony I remembered we were standing there last year banging like mad \m/
My brother had a little accident today so now his leg is in plaster. Two little bones in his left foot is broken.. he has to stay in bed for 4 weeks... i will be even busier in these weeks.
I hope he will recover soon ... for several reasons :p
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This is a really sad thread.

I have nothing to write here and hopefully I won't get something to write here either...

u see I have few real friends so I have no problem with them.
I have no girlfriend and I haven't had one for many, many, many years.
My family can be annoying but that is just normal, hmm the only thing that is a problem is money, but that is always a problem.

I am sorry for all deaths and broken hearts, I can't really say so much because my life have been (quiet) so far. Don't think I am happy just nothing bad happen to me so often. I am in a mid-state, it is always nice to listen to Vintersorg though.

I don't regret that I did read this thread even though it took 2,5hour.
I do hope you get your lives back on track, I am joining the Swedish military the 23/6 so I don't think have much time over for this forum or anything else from that date and about 10 month forward. I want to do it but I have to put everything aside, maybe thats why I want to do it?
Dear god, that's a whole lot of reading. Of course it'll be depressing if you read it in one fell swoop. Jump over to the "The Nicest thing that's happened to you" thread and you'll feel better. :)

But I didn't have a girlfriend for many years, and I still had plenty to bitch about. Come on, join the bitch fest! :)

Now Playing: Naglfar -- Sheol -- Devoured by Naglfar
/* random quote */
To continue, enter any 10-digit prime number.
Those fuckers that send the payment to my webhosting account have voided my pament for the 3rd time. Just when I got everything set up and starting moving my email address over. And they don't even give me a phone number to bitch with.

fuck fuckity fuck.

Now Playing: Enter My Silence -- Remotecontrolled Scythe -- Irrelevant
/* random quote */
"Lost, I weep among the ashes, I feel my hatred descend,
For there can be no release from this burning season."
GAH! My company is pondering sending me away from Taiwan. While I am also worried about SARS, I really have no desire to leave my first girlfriend in many years after such a brief time together.

I really won't even mind too much having to restrict myself to work and hotel, as long as I can see her on occasion. Hopefully I'll know more soon.

Now Playing: Vintersorg -- Visions from the Spiral Generator -- Vem Styr Symmetrin?
/* random quote */
So beautiful is your naivete
Angelic... pathetic... I'll break your fucking wings