Check it out, New Nevermore EoR mp3

lol i was just about to post that. It rules! I am so looking forward to enemies. It does kinda make my prediction come true about sounding like a cross between Politics of Ecstacy and Dead Heart in a Dead World.

Everyone who doesnt know Nevermore should check them out!
The only Nevermore cd I have is "Dead Heart.." and I didn't like it that much, I should probably listen to it more. Anyway the song sounds awesome, I'll definitely get this one when it comes out :D
Yngster! Only Dead Heart? You NEED to get Dreaming Neon Black and Politics of Ecstacy! Dreaming is perhaps their most acclaimed because it has so many elements on it while still sounding like Nevermore. It also has perhaps their greatest lyrics. Politics (my favorite) however - is straight up prog thrash. It is worth buying simply for the song "The Learning"

It is too bad in my opinion that Nevermore is leaving Century Media and going to Nuclear Blast. It is also my suspicion they are holding back material for the new label and I predict another CD in a year. I do not believe they will get the distribution Century Media has given them because whenever i go to a Music store, just about everything metal is on the Century Media label. I dont know the specifics of this whole thing, but that is what I feel. I truly cannot see what Nuclear Blast will do for them that Century Media has not done.