Chidlren Of Bodom A Racist Band?

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i dont think your cousin should assume all bands are/could be racist before going to see them. and as far as i can tell, even if they are (which im pretty sure theyre not) they dont make it a point to make an issue out of it. they play music for people who want to listen, and anyone and everyone is welcome
Yeah, they are Norsk Arisk Metal. Alexi has a underground kkk movement with Graveland and Moonspell, and they drink ale and throw stakes with shit on them at pictures of Jesse Jackson. Then Janne and Varg Vikernes beat up POD and Living Colour, and shoot arrows at Sigh. Man what a way to live.
This thread is so fuckin' gay! :mad: I told you before MetalWarheart that they're not racist. Didn't you think twice before you posted this? Geez...
Who the hell knows if Children Of Bodom or any other are racist or not.. And even if they were, it still doesn't block anyone from going to gigs since i think that most CoB fans are not racist anyway.
I saw Alexi give a random black guy one of his very cigarettes!!! That must mean something. And the guy wasn't even a metal fan, just happened to be a dude walking Sunset looking for a cig.
MetalWarheart666 said:
Ey, Is Children Of Bodom a racist band towards "blacks"?
indian_metalhead said:
I saw Alexi give a random black guy one of his very cigarettes!!! That must mean something. And the guy wasn't even a metal fan, just happened to be a dude walking Sunset looking for a cig.
indian_metalhead said:
I saw Alexi give a random black guy one of his very cigarettes!!! That must mean something. And the guy wasn't even a metal fan, just happened to be a dude walking Sunset looking for a cig.
Indian, I remember when u had posted about that here :)
I thought about mentioning it too!
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