If you were interviewing Alexi...

Really, it looks like they all of blondish-brownish hair in the most popular AYDY pic....the one with the yellow background.
idk if this is too original but ive never heard this in any interview IVE read. Are you gunna go back to ur older musical style, like before AYDY?
What i would ask him...:err:...
if there are going to be any big changes in there music or doing something no one would expect them to do like KISS DID WITH a whole orchestra or maybe even unplugged witch would seem very impossible to me?
.....or what the top 3 countys are of most best fans?
Those would be my questions
I Just thought of another question for Alexi
What his firts reaction was when he found out thet Lordi was going to play eurovision and his reaction when he found out they won??
That is also something i would ask him
oeh and what is true about his marriage with Kimberley Goss and Elyah Llewdalc because at one website i can read about it and at official sites i can't find anything about it