If you were interviewing Alexi...

LOL When did Alexi and Janne start making out anyway? I was looking at pics from the SW delux and they were so normal and non-gay back then. Now they make out every chance they get. I think Alexi started getting turned on by Janne when he grew his hair.
Yup, Alexi has black hair now and it's permanent. I don't know why he got sick of blond hair. Blond made him look more wild.

they both look really tired in that pic , too much party and not enough sleeping and rest :lol:

and how many tattoos does alexi have now? his whole arm is full, i watched a video of them of like 2 yrs ago and he only has a little bit of tattoos on his arm, now his arms are all covered :confused:
Look at the metal expo pics, the black color is gone and his hairs are rather brown now. But I still prefer him with blond hairs!
Now he's back to his original hair color? Dang, now i really do wonder how often he changes his hair color. Poor Alexi, his hair is going to get thiner and thiner and he'll go bald too.

Kattana: Says who?
If you look at most metal bands, the member's hair is mostly black/brown. blond was something different and was fucking awesome. I liked his hair in the AYDY music video.

I'd ask him though:
"Do you prefer skittles or M&M's?"