If you were interviewing Alexi...

I would ask him: "Alexi, have you ever recently or in the past or ever INTEND to start writing music for the $Dollar sign$?" this is a serious question because I read an online interview where he was complaining alot how fans always download their songs and never buy them, and he kept stressing "BUY BUY BUY!!" He's also has had numerous ads always saying "BUY OUR CD" haha I think it quite funny. In no way am I bashing his self promoting and i'm sure he's just trying to get the word out so they can tour more, its not a bad ploy at all. Hell id probably say the same thing he is, I just wanted to hear from the man himself on this issue. He'd probably casually say... "FUCK NO! NEVER!! " haha

P.S. Sorry for dual post :(
I already met them once, but I've thought if I met them again, I would ask Alexi if he would let me punch him in the face, then ask if he wants my phone number, haha
1. If you could go back in time, what would you change?
2. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
3. What are things you've regretted in your life?
4. Other than your music and partying, what do you like doing on your spare time? Any sports? Bowling again?
5. If a fan saw you at a swiming pool or on an airplane and they went crazy, what would you do?

I'll think of the rest of the questions later. Plenty more to come.
me:"Can u learn me play guitar like u?"
alexi:"yea y not??"
me:"for free?"
alexi:"hmm...hmmm...ok :) "
me:"yeaa thanks"
me:"can u give me ur guitar?"
alexi:"WHAT THE...... "
LOOOOOOOOL :P (joke) i wont meet him anyway :(