Children Of Bodom In San Francisco (trivium got fucking owned)

i see both sides here... it is funny just cause trivium blows and id love to see them and there queer metalcore shit?? get bood offstage, but its also a little immature to spit at people, i mean shit, i just sit there with my arms crossed and give them the face (blank, basically silently saying "you suck") and dont get into it at all... but thats me, hell do what you will... none of my business really, but if for some i end up at the show in a couple weeks, i may end up yellin at trivium, so ill just keep to myself on these matters.
Destroyer Of Orden said:
I went to that show... I actually got there second in line with a few friends at about noon, but there was this one guy who was there since 6:30 A.M. in the pissing rain... hardcore as fuck!

The Trivium stuff really made me feel ashamed to be a metal head. Those guys are a hardworking, very talented group, and they should never have had to deal with the kind of bullshit that crowd was spewing forth. It is utter shit to be in a show where the crowd just can't handle diversity. So what if they were not a full on metal group? There was not a single song they played that, given a different vocal style, people wouldn't be banging their heads to.. such is how I felt, and I actually thought they put on a decent show regardless of the crowd. I hope that each and every person who was acting like a fool, spouting off BS to Trivium that night has a similar experience where people are literally spitting on their life and their art. It is mindnumbingly ridiculous how some people act, and my respect for Trivium as a group has grown immensely. The singer wasn't acting like a tough guy, he was calling some punk out on his childish behavior, and while he may have been a bit excessive following that, I think he and the band handled themselves well.

Amon Amarth stole the show for me, they were killer even if the guitars were a bit on the low side... Bodom were good, but seemed to lack the general energy they usually display at shows.

Overall a good show minus all of the negativity... for all of those who hate on Trivium, thats your choice, but in reality they are a legitimate, very talented group who simply has a different vision of what they want to pursue as their form of metal. Get over it and instead of acting like children, just go buy a t-shirt or get a drink.

Amen. First they get their tour bus vandalized at another show now getting spit on by the crowd. What the fuck did they do to deserve this shit? If you guys only knew what they have accomplished for being so young you would atleast respect them (UK anyone? RR United anyone?). And btw, they are not hardcore or metalcore, and if you guys actually gave them a chance you would know that.

It's OK though Trivium will have the last laugh in a few years. These guys are mega talented and hardworking. If you count the years Bodom or AA have been around, Trivium have already accomplished what they have in less than half the time. Don't believe me? Do your homework!
At the Toronto Show, they begged for a cirlce pit all the time, which was a little annoying. I dislike them, and most of the people I met there agreed. Some Trivium fans were around and liked their set.

This reminds me of a few years Back I went to see Ozzy, and the first openier was Project Wyze, a Rap/Metal band (if anyone remebrs them). There were a few few few fans, but they were terrible, and didnt fit the bill at all.

Bad band or not, they did put on a good show, if you are into that stuff, and no one deserves to be booed like that. It sucks enough to not get a reaction from the crowed, but a negative one is just painfull. Then again, when in a room full of metalheads excited for one of the best fucking bands out there, you have to expect some roudyness.

If there is any reason I would flip them off, is because thier singer tosed a guitar pick into my left eye, but then again its a good hard pick, and I dont need to make a trip to buy more now :)
Destroyer Of Orden said:
I went to that show... I actually got there second in line with a few friends at about noon, but there was this one guy who was there since 6:30 A.M. in the pissing rain... hardcore as fuck!

The Trivium stuff really made me feel ashamed to be a metal head. Those guys are a hardworking, very talented group, and they should never have had to deal with the kind of bullshit that crowd was spewing forth. It is utter shit to be in a show where the crowd just can't handle diversity. So what if they were not a full on metal group? There was not a single song they played that, given a different vocal style, people wouldn't be banging their heads to.. such is how I felt, and I actually thought they put on a decent show regardless of the crowd. I hope that each and every person who was acting like a fool, spouting off BS to Trivium that night has a similar experience where people are literally spitting on their life and their art. It is mindnumbingly ridiculous how some people act, and my respect for Trivium as a group has grown immensely. The singer wasn't acting like a tough guy, he was calling some punk out on his childish behavior, and while he may have been a bit excessive following that, I think he and the band handled themselves well.

Amon Amarth stole the show for me, they were killer even if the guitars were a bit on the low side... Bodom were good, but seemed to lack the general energy they usually display at shows.

Overall a good show minus all of the negativity... for all of those who hate on Trivium, thats your choice, but in reality they are a legitimate, very talented group who simply has a different vision of what they want to pursue as their form of metal. Get over it and instead of acting like children, just go buy a t-shirt or get a drink.

AH-Fucking-MEN. :worship:
Why couldn't the SLC crowd be cool enough to fuckin' boo those fucks off stage? god that would have ruled, i would have urinated on trivium... those fuckasses.
The Bringer said:
Ahhh well if Trivium is where metal is headed too then I want out.

I'll go back to Ablaze My Sorrow, Eternal Tears of Sorrow and Borknagar anyday over Trivium.
Amen to that dude,
trivum bygod better not be where metal is headed. if thats where metal is headed then they can fuck themselves in the ass. i'll take no part in such hosiery.
Gidim159 said:
Amen to that dude,
trivum bygod better not be where metal is headed. if thats where metal is headed then they can fuck themselves in the ass. i'll take no part in such hosiery.

Ugh, Im actually shocked sometimes when I think about how fucking stupid some poeple can be. Seriously.

I'm sick of people saying, "I personally don't like this band, so they suck and therefore they are not metal."

Seriously, Fuck off and think about what you are saying.

-Gavin- said:
Answer me this... What the fuck is wrong with taking your parents to a gig????

What if your folks like metal? Or what if it's the only way you can get to a gig???

I met a great chick in wacken who went with her metal family... So just cause they're related, the parents can't go cause they're older?

I hate this "Parents can't go to a metal gig" mentality. Fucking americans.
You had a strong point until, that is, you said 'fucking americans'

Seriously dude, we don't need any of that bullshit here. (generalizations)
:) and still trivium says things like this on their website, pretty funny:

We just finished the show in Seattle and it was just what we were hoping to see, a crazy fucking show. You guys are nuts and we love it.
The Children Of Bodom Tour along with Amon Amarth is going great we are having an absolute blast.I hope all of you are doing well and that if you came out to see any of the shows so far that you had a great time because we sure fucking did. If you plan on coming out to any of the shows be prepared to have a fucking good time.

This one is for both our friends in the US and the UK. Tickets for the Bodom-Trivium tour which we are currently on are selling fast, tonight in Colorado about 200 kids could not get into the show!!!

Remember its not just Trivium fans coming to the show, its Bodom's and Amon Amarth's as well so tickets are flying out the door!!! So if you plan on coming to see us and don't have a ticket you should really get one!

:tickled: like they are the fucking headliners "its not JUST trivium" mwuhahaha
big16g said:
It's OK though Trivium will have the last laugh in a few years. These guys are mega talented and hardworking. If you count the years Bodom or AA have been around, Trivium have already accomplished what they have in less than half the time. Don't believe me? Do your homework!
Yeah you're probably right. Because they play whiny metalcore and whiny metalcore is the current trend.
Trivium will be done in a few a years. Once that boring trend dies out kids will latch on to a new one. Don't believe me? Look at Nu-Metal!
Confusion said:
:) and still trivium says things like this on their website, pretty funny:

We just finished the show in Seattle and it was just what we were hoping to see, a crazy fucking show. You guys are nuts and we love it.
The Children Of Bodom Tour along with Amon Amarth is going great we are having an absolute blast.I hope all of you are doing well and that if you came out to see any of the shows so far that you had a great time because we sure fucking did. If you plan on coming out to any of the shows be prepared to have a fucking good time.

This one is for both our friends in the US and the UK. Tickets for the Bodom-Trivium tour which we are currently on are selling fast, tonight in Colorado about 200 kids could not get into the show!!!

Remember its not just Trivium fans coming to the show, its Bodom's and Amon Amarth's as well so tickets are flying out the door!!! So if you plan on coming to see us and don't have a ticket you should really get one!

:tickled: like they are the fucking headliners "its not JUST trivium" mwuhahaha

Das ist indeed very funny. Amusing how the band writes that the konzert was a succes when the band and the crowd start spitting to each other. I'll never trust a konzert review of any band. Unless I was at the konzert and knew what really happened.
LifeDepraved said:
Trivium will be done in a few a years. Once that boring trend dies out kids will latch on to a new one. Don't believe me? Look at Nu-Metal!

And what trend would that be? If Trivium ain't real metal then neither are Bodom or Amon Amarth. It's sad that all the haters have no clue and just spew shit out of their mouths.