Christians refusing to listen to certain bands...


Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa
...piss me the fuck off.

I was riding down to Boston from UMaine today with my old friend. He likes some kinds of Metal, namely bands like Dragonforce, A7X and Nightwish.

He's also a Christian (non-denominational, but attends Protestant masses). He doesn't believe in evolution, but doesn't take the whole bible literally. He believes that Hell and Satan exist. And he outright refuses to listen to any Metal with Satanic or Anti-Christian lyrics (which means to him that he won't take ANY Black Metal or Death Metal).

So he let me plug my iPod into the car stereo for parts of the car-ride down (5+ hours). He played me some Blind Guardian (Night at the Opera) and Death Magnetic, so I could hear it for myself to pass judgment. From my iPod I played Candlemass (Tales of Creation) and Hollenthon Opus Magnum, both of which he took a liking to. The third person riding with us wanted to know what Celtic Frost sounded like so I spun To Mega Therion, and my Christian friend thought it wasn't bad.

So I then went on to play Mercyful Fate (Melissa). After the first two songs he said he liked it A LOT. Then, half-way through "Into the Coven", King Diamond shouts "MY SOUL BELONGS TO SATAN". At that moment my friend immediately shut the stereo off and said "Hey! That guy's a Satanist. I'm not listening to this!"

We then had an argument in which I asserted that one's religious beliefs shouldn't prevent someone from listening to any kind of music. Wagner was anti-Semitic, so does that make us Nazis by listening to his music?

He claimed that listening to "Satanic music" would poison his mind. My main point was that it in fact shows weakness of faith to be afraid of listening to kinds of music associated with anti-religious themes.

Ironically, when he shut off Mercyful Fate, it switched to the local rock station, which was playing AC/DC's "Highway to Hell", which he didn't seem to mind "rockin' out to anytime." Where do you draw the damned line?

The attitude of people like this guy makes no sense, and it closes the door to a whole world of great music.
What a fuck. Its so funny how people might like that stuff till they know what its about, as in the case of the Mercyful Fate lol.
Should have said "ITS TOO LATE YOUR THE DEVILS CHILD NOW!!!" or something after the Merciful Fate incident.
So somebody doesn't agree with your position, eh Zeph? And that makes you mad? Try growing up.

Here was your chance to claim some dignity on a religion-related topic.

From what I've observed of you, you listen to whatever bands you think play good music, regardless of the band's lyrical or ideological bases. I would think you'd agree that it's silly to refuse a band, despite liking their music, on religious grounds.
This is sort of a shame in a sense because I would love to throw how I feel in and be treated and seen as an individual, as there's a certain part of the core discussion which is interesting to me, but since I don't have any respect for many of the gross viewpoints and generalizations already showcased (which I expected) I fail to see how there would remain any room for someone like me to contribute at all. So I'll just say, be merry and bitterly rant away, it's what some do best, and I will -exit- a thread I was admittedly naive for investing any hope in in the first place.
Here was your chance to claim some dignity on a religion-related topic.

From what I've observed of you, you listen to whatever bands you think play good music, regardless of the band's lyrical or ideological bases. I would think you'd agree that it's silly to refuse a band, despite liking their music, on religious grounds.

It is silly, but also not incongruent with certain religious beliefs.

Think about it, if you believed beyond a reasonable doubt that listening to Mercyful Fate would cost you eternal salvation you probably would avoid listening to them as well. I mean Melissa is good, but not that good.

Just sayin'
Here was your chance to claim some dignity on a religion-related topic.

From what I've observed of you, you listen to whatever bands you think play good music, regardless of the band's lyrical or ideological bases. I would think you'd agree that it's silly to refuse a band, despite liking their music, on religious grounds.

I think I already have some dignity.

Regarding my listening, it has changed over time. When I first became a Christian I stopped listening to all secular metal. Though I believe there is no line where I drew one at that time, I don't regret my decision, for various reasons. As time went on I matured and realized different things that took away the so-called lines I had drawn. Truthfully there are still things that I prefer not to listen to. What I really believe (about much more than just metal) is that it is more important to allow people to exist where they are comfortable than it is for me to try to convince them to live where I am comfortable. This is a concept that is very practical, and is found in the bible. To you it is important that this guy be able to appreciate what you consider the very best of metal, regardless of the lyrical themes. For him, he enjoys what he likes, and doesn't feel it is worth venturing into lyrical territory he is not comfortable with. You can both be satisfied and happy. It is likely that both of you will change over time in some ways.
So somebody doesn't agree with your position, eh Zeph? And that makes you mad? Try growing up.

It is funny you say that because Zeph's whole argument is based off the idea that his Christian friend should be more tolerant of other music and not be so "closed-minded." The Christian was obviously being judgemental and not logical in not allowing the music to play. He should be mad that someone made such a fucking stupid comment like "This guy is satanic. Turn it off." He has every right to be mad and present a debate to all of us. How does that necessitate the notion that he should grow up?
It is funny you say that because Zeph's whole argument is based off the idea that his Christian friend should be more tolerant of other music and not be so "closed-minded." The Christian was obviously being judgemental and not logical in not allowing the music to play. He should be mad that someone made such a fucking stupid comment like "This guy is satanic. Turn it off." He has every right to be mad and present a debate to all of us. How does that necessitate the notion that he should grow up?

How about this: Knowing his friend's preferences and knowing that they were not based on musical quality, but on something to do with his faith, Zeph purposely decided to play something overtly Satanic and disrespect his friend. He did this based on some idea of convincing his friend that he should discard his personal convictions based on the quality of the music. Seems childish to me.

And it's really not that big of a deal to mess with a friend, but when you then come in here and rant about how much it pisses you off, I think you're taking it all a bit far.