Christians refusing to listen to certain bands...

Can I ask what denomination your friend is, Zeph ? It seems to me that the so-called "low church" denominations (evangelists, baptists etc) seem a lot more hung up on so-called "Satanic" influence on music than high church (Anglicans, Catholics).

I have a very good friend who was converted to baptism by a combination of charismatic pastor and the compelling nature of his girfriends holy vagina. Like all our friends at the time, he was into metal, but once he had converted, he purged his music collection ruthlessly. He burned (literally) all his Slayer. We still go to concerts, usually Metallica when they roll around on a giganto-tour, and he drives, so I can see what "Christian" metal he has left lying around the car. He's pretty old school in taste, so I know that the only reason that he buys dirge like "The Showdown" is for the -Christian tag. The baptists I know are all fine people in their own way, but they take the literal existance of Satan seriously. They believe in demons, spirits and possession by allowing oneself to be exposed to the influence evil.

Odd how otherwise rational, normal people can revert to 12th century pitchfork wielding peasant with a moments notice!
Can I ask what denomination your friend is, Zeph ? It seems to me that the so-called "low church" denominations (evangelists, baptists etc) seem a lot more hung up on so-called "Satanic" influence on music than high church (Anglicans, Catholics).

He's claims no alliance to any denomination, but tends to go to Protestant churches for mass.
To be honest, I find Catholics and High Anglicans less annoying than low church Protestants.

I always have the nagging suspicion that those sneaky, acoustic guitar playing, gospel loving bastards actually believe in God.

I always get the impression the Catholics and High Anglicans just like to have a nice place to sit on a Sunday morning. The singing and preaching is just coincidental.
So what if Christians refuse to do stuff that they could ultimately like? It's their loss. And I usually don't try to change their minds. Because it's not like they stop me from doing stuff I like. Of course I will get pissed if they try and stop me from doing something I like. But usually I'm chill and shrug it off. My cousins are super religious and tell me that the music I listen to destroys my mind. I just ignore it.

To be honest, I find Catholics and High Anglicans less annoying than low church Protestants.

Me too. They're more annoying about their beliefs and more certain. I go to a seventh day adventist school. I don't think the dean or other people at my school realize how insulting they can be to other peoples beliefs. Like how they call Hindu satanic because they do idol worship and meditation. I was debating with my dean one time and I said "so how do you know the real God talked to the israelites and all other divine experiences in every other culture are wrong" and he said all their experiences were just "satan."

Also one time the pastor said this God was better because it did more for her than any God did for anyone else. I said "so how do you know some successful Inca plantation owner didn't love and thank the grain mother more than you thank your God?"
Try forming your own opinions for once.

:rolleyes: could just be that I have the same opinion as AcK on this anyway and didn't want to just rehash everything.

Edit: I am still wondering why it is such a big deal that someone refuses to listen to a band because of religious beliefs, regardless of whether [you] think it's irrantional or not. It just fucking music and it's their decision. If they told you they didn't like the band because of some other reason that was preference based you wouldn't be so mad, so why for this reason?
I really do not see what is so wrong about choosing not to listen to a band because one finds the lyrics objectionable. Sure, the guy is a Christian and therefore a faggot, but some of you are acting as if he's being irrational because he chooses to avoid artistic expressions he disagrees with.

well if they take their bibles seriously they certainly wouldn't listen to satanic music... "Abstain from all appearance of evil" (1 Thess. 5:22).
Beat moi to eet.
I really do not see what is so wrong about choosing not to listen to a band because one finds the lyrics objectionable. Sure, the guy is a Christian and therefore a faggot, but some of you are acting as if he's being irrational because he chooses to avoid artistic expressions he disagrees with.

My dad turns off Highway to Hell, Runnin With The Devil, and Hell's Bell's whenever they come on the radio. He's only been doing this since he started getting more Christian and stuff. I know he likes these songs, I grew up on them. He just does it cause "Jesus wouldnt listen to it." Pisses me off, those are some of my fav songs by those bands.

My family is just the opposite... My mother and father both attended church every Sunday of their lives... but have since my birth quit going... and as far as I can tell, have come to believe in Evolution and the possibility of there being no God...

They've also became alot more tolerant of my music since I started listening to it a few years back... I'm wearing a Belphegor shirt right now and they havent bothered to say anything about the double inverted crosses on the logo. I do get a snide "You're worshipping Satan, right?" remark every once and a while.. To which I always respond "yes." but that's about it. >_>
He knew his friend's preferences. He knew Melissa has Satanic themes. What more is there?

What makes his preferences more important than Zeph's and his other friend?

By not allowing the music to play, ruining the experience for everyone else, he's effectively pushing his beliefs onto everybody else. Which makes him a douchebag.

And personally, if I were to drive with the dude again, I'd have him sit in the back and I'd play it out of spite. That's just me though. :V
You're missing my main point. He REALLY liked the music off Melissa, and then let something so inconsequential as three words from a complete stranger cause him to boycott a band that he may otherwise had fallen in love with.

It is the same argument but in reverse when it comes to Christian Black metal. Most 'true' black metal fans would probably enjoy certain bands in that style, but as soon as they hear something like 'praise Jesus' they will despise it. Why? Well I guess it all comes down to whether you believe lyrical content confers onto the music itself--if you do, obviously knowledge of said lyrical content will change your outlook on the music.
Zeph, would you listen to music that cursed your loved ones? You have to remember that these faggots love Jesus more than they love their own family. That and they are so afraid of burning in the ever lasting fire, that they will not dare listen to blasphemous music. It's really not hard to understand..
If they told you they didn't like the band because of some other reason that was preference based you wouldn't be so mad, so why for this reason?

If he didn't like the music, then that would be fine, and I would respect that. But he let the non-musical factors take priority over the music itself. I wanted to demonstrate to him that so long as you derive the most enjoyment from the music (which he did) more than its themes, it shouldn't matter what the themes are.

And personally, if I were to drive with the dude again, I'd have him sit in the back and I'd play it out of spite. That's just me though. :V

It was his car...

It is the same argument but in reverse when it comes to Christian Black metal. Most 'true' black metal fans would probably enjoy certain bands in that style, but as soon as they hear something like 'praise Jesus' they will despise it. Why? Well I guess it all comes down to whether you believe lyrical content confers onto the music itself--if you do, obviously knowledge of said lyrical content will change your outlook on the music.

I hold no prejudices against Christian Black Metal. I've never refused to listen to a band because it was associated with Christianity or any religion. This was the case when I was a Catholic and remains the case as I'm now an atheist.

Zeph, would you listen to music that cursed your loved ones? You have to remember that these faggots love Jesus more than they love their own family. That and they are so afraid of burning in the ever lasting fire, that they will not dare listen to blasphemous music. It's really not hard to understand..

Maybe because I feel that they are being unfair to themselves by being so apprehensive to something completely inconsequential. As I said before, it shows weakness of faith to fear this music, rather than someone such as AcK or Mathias who can listen to any kind of Metal without fear it will poison their minds.

And to all of you, don't think I got mad at him; we didn't "fight". I respected his decision, but made sure I presented my logic to him. And after I got home I thought it would be an interesting topic to discuss (which is what happened). Thank you.