Circus Maximus would like to thank you all;-)

Yes folks that`s guys did it AGAIN and then some:worship:

I remember telling friends/fans/reporters over the past year , that playing last years ProgPowerUSA was our career`s highlight , but I guess I`ve got a new story for them this time around eh:kickass:

I`m sitting here now here in front of my computer looking back over the last 5 days and there are so MANY things that come to mind that are just so overwhelming that is it hard to put words to it.

First of I`d like to thank Shane for getting us over this year..YOU are the greatest and say hi to your brother for life Kelly for beeing the man that he is:)

And thanks to Glen for making the greatest festival there know what? Thanks to you in ONE year I`ve been singing live on stage with two of my favourite vocalist..last year I got the chance to sing with Roy Khan and Conception , and this year you got me on stage singing along with Jorn:worship: If you can "get me" Russell Allen , Geoff Tate and Kip Winger next time around I guess I`d have to arrange a two day festival called "GlenFest" where you can pick any band you like to see , and where you won`t have to work for one`s all on me buddy:headbang:

A BIG salute to the crew for making thing run smoothly ON and OFF stage:kickass:

And to all the fans for making this an experience of a lifetime YOU ARE THE GREATEST:worship: You guys gave me the chills with your awesome sing-along-pipes and the cheering you gave me when I went on the stage with Jorn just blew me away..just thinking about it brings a litle tear to my eye..NO KIDDING ( yeah yeah I`m the soft guy...I can`t help beeing borned as a Taurus now can I hahahaha ). And meeting you all off-stage/backstage/Granada/street wherever gave me memories for life. You know who you are and I miss you allready!

Circus Maximus hope to see you soon:)

Love all the way from Norway

Michael Eriksen
Michael, thank YOU for an INCREDIBLE performance! My band mates and I saw you last year and were FLOORED! And, this year, it was just as sweet!! Quite possibly sweeter! All I can say is WOW! Hope to see you again soon in the USA!!

I have to say you guys Fukin stomped, squashed, slammed, smashed, destroyed, obliterated and kicked some serious freakin ProgPower ass....I was blown away and I will own all your recordings and you can be assured it will be in heavy rotation if not a permanent fixture in my stereo....The musicianship was guys were cool as I owe thanks to you guys!!!! You better believe I'll be promoting Circus Maximus as much as I can.....

One freakin impressed new fan......:OMG: :headbang: :kickass: :kickass: :headbang: :headbang: :kickass: :worship: .....
Mike ~ Circus Maximus was awesome live and hangin' out with ya was just as kick ass... You crack me up man!!!

Glad to see you home safe ~ take care my friend!!!!
Hey Michael! It was good to see you guys again, especially as I finally got to hear more of your set. :D Was awesome, need to snag fillers to tide me over till the next time you guys are in town.

Not to mention, stairwell singing will never be the same. ;)
Mike Maximus said:
Yes folks that`s guys did it AGAIN and then some:worship:

I remember telling friends/fans/reporters over the past year , that playing last years ProgPowerUSA was our career`s highlight , but I guess I`ve got a new story for them this time around eh:kickass:

I`m sitting here now here in front of my computer looking back over the last 5 days and there are so MANY things that come to mind that are just so overwhelming that is it hard to put words to it.

And to all the fans for making this an experience of a lifetime YOU ARE THE GREATEST:worship: You guys gave me the chills with your awesome sing-along-pipes and the cheering you gave me when I went on the stage with Jorn just blew me away..just thinking about it brings a litle tear to my eye..NO KIDDING ( yeah yeah I`m the soft guy...I can`t help beeing borned as a Taurus now can I hahahaha ). And meeting you all off-stage/backstage/Granada/street wherever gave me memories for life. You know who you are and I miss you allready!

Circus Maximus hope to see you soon:)

Love all the way from Norway

Michael Eriksen
Back at ya, Mike! I've been sitting at the computer doing the same thing and now you got me tearing up too. :cry: Seriously, it really was all that. Your performance was awesome and hanging with everyone was the best. Can't wait to hear more from you and see you guys again, even if it means chasing you down over seas. Best of luck, man. You rock! :headbang:
People may not like it when a guitarist is out there on his/her own and does a solo. But the one done by Mats Haugen was beautiful. It wasn't 'see how fast I can play!', it was artistic. Either way, Circus Maximus the sound you had was perfect. Every damn note was audible. Thank you for putting on such a show. And the songs you played off the new album, its always risky when people can't sing along, but almost everybody seemed to really love them. Can't wait to get it.
And a big Thank You right back! As always Circus MAximus tore it up onstage! You guys are incredible.

I also wanna say thanks for the little acoustic jam over at Guitar Center hahaha! That was awesome bro! (I'll make sure to send you a copy of the recording)

Glad you had a safe trip back, and will talk to you soon! :headbang:
Mike, it was great getting the chance to hang out with you. Glad to see you guys made it home safely. Hope to see you back here in the states real soon.

DrumRman said:
And a big Thank You right back! As always Circus MAximus tore it up onstage! You guys are incredible.

I also wanna say thanks for the little acoustic jam over at Guitar Center hahaha! That was awesome bro! (I'll make sure to send you a copy of the recording)

Glad you had a safe trip back, and will talk to you soon! :headbang:

Can I get a copy of the acoustic too, bro? hahaha
Thanks to you Mike for all you and the Circus Maximus guys did, and yes we would love to have you back next year, and I too would sponsor. It was great talking to you and the guys and just learning about you and how you started singing. Again thank you for the awesome music and great friendship.