Clone Bands


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Do they serve a purpose?

Are there any clones out there that have either equalled or perhaps surpassed the originators?

List some examples please.

Yes, especially when the bands they clone break up, die, or change styles.

Good clone: Aborted
Pretty much wouldn't exist without Carcass, but Carcass no longer exists, so they fill the void. They also rule, clone or not.

Bad clone: Godsmack
True, Alice in Chains is no longer, but nobody needed this watered down pitiful excuse for a band, who doesn't even admit that their name was lifted from an Alice in Chains song.
Godsmack ... rock, they absolutely ROCK, and they have more black sabbath (for example) influences than Alice In Chains influences (almost none)

the band that has many many bad clones, and many good clones is Dream Theater, with the bad clones being more.
IOfTheStorm said:
Godsmack ... rock, they absolutely ROCK, and they have more black sabbath (for example) influences than Alice In Chains influences (almost none)
I can see the Black Sabbath, but if you're saying that Sully doesn't sound like Layne, you're just silly. :p
There are so many bands that either borrow or flat out steal from AiC it's ridiculous. To lay it all at Godsmack's feet seems a bit unfair. Besides, I've always thought Godsmack was a perfect cross between "Black" era Metallica and AiC. Regardless, I have no use for them.

I can't believe no one has mentioned Drudkh. They are clearly ripping off Tesla.

jimbobhickville said:
Anekdoten is better than King Crimson (please don't kill me)
I may have to kill you, but first I shall finally buy some Anekdoten because I've yet to hear them.
Symphony X is better than Yngwie Malmsteen
Anekdoten is better than King Crimson (please don't kill me)
Andromeda is better than Dream Theater
I agree on Symphony X (while it is not an yngwie malmsteen band clone)
comparing anekdotern to king crimson is a joke
Also Andromeda will never be better than Dream Theater (if they do not change their style) because simply their musical borders are already created by Dream Theater, they will not influence as many bands as Dream Theater did and of course they do nothing new. If you say to them that they are better than Dream Theater, they will probably laugh
I think clones serve a purpose. Maybe to keep the former band's spirit alive, in a way.

Take Morrigan, who could be called Bathory Jr. I love Morrigan's two later works.

Woodtemple can be considered a Graveland clone, but I like the two WT releases regardless.

Of course, there are some clones I could do without. Dream Theater and its spawn are such an example.
jimbobhickville said:
Symphony X is better than Yngwie Malmsteen
Symphony X are not really a clone of Malmsteen. Bands like Ring of Fire, At Vance, Dionysus, Silent Force, and Narnia are all Malmsteen clones.

I do agree, however, that Sy X is better than Malmsteen (today).
II = I horrible? hardly. it blows Images & Words out of the water. In fact, I'd put Images & Words below Awake and Scenes From a Memory in the Dream Theater catalog. It's a good CD, no doubt, but extremely overrated.

And Symphony X are most definitely Malmsteen clones, or at least they were for a few albums before kind of molding their own style out of it. Kind of like Anekdoten did with the King Crimson sound. Now they have their own style, but Vemod sure sounds just like 70s KC (but better).

And I never meant any of my statements to represent influence or popularity, only quality. I don't give a rat's ass how many bands a band influences or how many CDs they sell; to me, these things are never indicative of anything other than good marketing.

Anyway, I figured people would disagree, but it makes for good conversation.