Close Minded Metalheads

Since we opened our metalshop may 1, I've been really noticing some interesting things. I'm there all the time and I really talk to most customers. I mean our shop is definitely a hang out for a lot of people.

It's really hard sometimes to hold conversationis with some people. There are so many people who are completely into one type of metal. I mean I understand to each is own, but damn!!

A customer of mine said that it's not good black metal unless it's crusty as hell, sounding like it was taped with a boombox. REALLY??

I play the piano, I've played cello, violin & harp as well. I've been into music my whole life. I can REALLY appreciate a well produced album. Why someone would want to purposely make their CDs sound crusty is beyond me.

And this whole if it's not underground it's crap mentality gets irritating too. If you've sold too many albums or done too many tours, you're a sell out. Success makes you a sellout??

I like ALOT of different bands, some extremely underground, some mainstream. I don't care, if I like the music, I'll listen to it..

We've got one guy that comes in who used to be in a death metal band (who were pretty well known, not saying names) and is now in a pretty mellow radio rock. That's cool, do what you love to do, but he's always throwing jabs in about how death metal is for kids and he's soo beyond that. Responsible adults who want to be successful in life don't play death metal he says. Yet, he had 10 times more fame when he was playing death metal and he traveled all over the world. I just think it's kinda funny. I do like talking with him, it's fun. He's super opinionated.

Anyway... I'm lucky enough that I own the place, so I don't have to censor myself, I can tell people how I feel about these things..

We got alot of slack when we first opened. People were posting blogs and bulletins about how we're just a bunch of sluts, we know nothing about metal, yada yada yada.. It doesn't bother me one bit. I think it's pretty funny. Like I have to have a dick to know anything about metal. Because I'm a female, I'm only going to sell POISON & BRITNEY SPEARS. WTF? Some of those people have been in the shop and they've bought things and came back.

Anyway people seem surpirsed some days that I can hold a good conversation about metal. I just think it's amusing that people can be so close minded.

Anyway, just had to share some randomness..:headbang:
I think the only-crusty-is-good-black-metal argument can be debunked with one word: OM. There are people out there who shit talk bands they used to like just because they got famous, and to a certain extent they can usually be ignored. However, becoming popular usually does involve a certain paring down of originality which can destroy the reasons that the band was good in the first place. I don't think the "women don't know about metal" mentality even deserves to be addressed. these people have taste?...i mean why do you listen to music in the first place? for the image or because you like it?...:Smug: those people should quit listening too music and go jerk of too underground porn all day
Underground porn? That's pretty much synonymous with "illegal porn." There is very little legal pornography that isn't produced with with mass distribution via the internet in mind.
We've got one guy that comes in who used to be in a death metal band (who were pretty well known, not saying names) and is now in a pretty mellow radio rock. That's cool, do what you love to do, but he's always throwing jabs in about how death metal is for kids and he's soo beyond that. Responsible adults who want to be successful in life don't play death metal he says. Yet, he had 10 times more fame when he was playing death metal and he traveled all over the world. I just think it's kinda funny. I do like talking with him, it's fun. He's super opinionated.

That just makes the dude sound retarded as fuck to me.

Is your metal shop close to the Rave?

Yeah, people are dumb, elitist douchebags who treat their opinions as fact. I certainly hope these people haven't made up the majority of your clientele.

That's the funniest shit I've seen all day. I can't tell if that snowman is trying to get laid or get some blood.
That former death metal guy is simply in a state of self hatred and fooling himself. He probably got burnt out on the scene and lifestyle and simply chooses to bash it instead of looking fondly back at the fun he had. I have a couple of friends who were in metal bands and really got soured on the scene for various reasons. Now they say the same exact things that guy says. I had at least one friend who threw away all of his metal albums/CDs vowing never again only to buy all of the stuff years later.
You can be a responsible person and still love any genre of music.
Whilst I agree listening to only "crusty" produced albums is silly, I can understand deliberately giving an album that sort of production. Certain forms of metal, especially the more "extreeeeeeeeme" types, (black, death, etc) are frequently more about the whole atmosphere of the song, rather than the instrumentation of the individual instruments. Perfectly clear production is meant so that you can easily make what all the musicians are doing, which is fine for certain types of music, particularly more technical bands. However, thats not what that music is about, it's not about what crazy riffs or licks the guitarist is doing, or the nuts blasting by the drummer, its about the whole feeling of the band giving an intense oppressive atmosphere (I know, the word gets thrown around a lot, it's a total cliche). I tend to prefer a muddier production when it comes to black and death metal because I just feel it suits the music better, but the clear mix certainly has its place. See Politics of Ecstasy, which is produced perfectly for the music. Dunno if any of that makes sense.
That former death metal guy is simply in a state of self hatred and fooling himself. He probably got burnt out on the scene and lifestyle and simply chooses to bash it instead of looking fondly back at the fun he had.
Exactly. I've known a guy that was the same. He got kicked out of a band for being an all-round asshole and parasite, and now he talks shit about metal every chance he gets, simply because that's easier than admitting he got kicked out due to his own idiocy.
Exactly. I've known a guy that was the same. He got kicked out of a band for being an all-round asshole and parasite, and now he talks shit about metal every chance he gets, simply because that's easier than admitting he got kicked out due to his own idiocy.

This is funny shit. I've had people say "I thought you'd grow out of metal by now", and I just don't understand it. As I get older I think I've been getting even more into it, though of course my tastes have broadened (5 years ago i didn't listen to folk, triphop, and other totally non-metal pussy shit). I don't see myself giving up the metal any time soon.