Close Minded Metalheads


Some bands actually tell stories about their own folklore and mythology which are historical and cultural treasures...and they even translate it into a foreign language from their own.
Post some stuff. I've got an open mind...I'd like to change my attitude towards it, I just have yet to discover any hip hop that I could consider musical. Of course, maybe I just haven't been exposed to good hip-hop.

I'm not saying I'll like it, as I detest hip-hop with a fucking passion. But I also can't stand lots of different types of metal, while I'll admit they may be good musicians.

These guys aren't 100% hip hop, since they are actually a band (kinda like The Roots), but thats the closest "genre" to put them in. Their album is brilliant, and this song is a 100% perfect masterpiece.
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Those same exact power chords were played in a different way. That's like saying all classical music is the same because they all eventually play the same notes.

If a band were to lift the very same song from another band, it's either a cover or a rip-off.

Hip-Hop is obviously just as diverse as metal. However, I have yet to be introduced to anything in hip-hop or rap that had anything to say that didn't mention how hard their life was, how many chicks he's fucked, how many people he's killed, or just how awesome/badass/altruistic he is. And let's face it...hip-hop is not about musical ability. Drum machines and one or two note harmonies on a midi keyboard does not equal musical prowess. Hip-hop is about making a statement.

But how many times and how many groups does it take to say the same thing? It's the most shallow and intellectually and culturally bereft genre of music I've ever come across.

They're really good at rhyming, but so was Dr. Seuss. Spinal Tap is more intellectual than hip-hop and I'm not exaggerating.

you need to hear a little more than shitty mtv rap.

this guy >>>>>> 95 percent of metal drummers as far as feel is concerned.


here's some rap that's not about guns, cars and women.

I saw a blind man with a dog screaming "someday I'll see it all"
and then he sat down with his hammer and saw :D

here's one about vietnam, the second verse is ridiculous.

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I've always kinda dug Outkast and always had respect for AR. Outkast draws on a whooooole bunch of influences though.

JMT is definitely interesting.

Some bands actually tell stories about their own folklore and mythology which are historical and cultural treasures...and they even translate it into a foreign language from their own.

i like the way Eluveitie does that :p

and not to bring down hip-hop (i just got an electric kit and have been playing way more hip-hop than metal, but synth wise they are really un-imaginitive, most metal/rock keyboardist make these really complex patches that sound amazing but pretty much every modern workstation has everything you could need for hip-hop/rap programmed into it as presets, every time i hear a patch in a hip-hop song i can almost pick out what preset on a board it is...

every time i got to guitar center's keyboard department the douche that works there always tried to show me all the lame beats it can make by pressing a button, then ill ask him about filters and Oscilators and effects chains and he has no idea...
i like the way Eluveitie does that :p

and not to bring down hip-hop (i just got an electric kit and have been playing way more hip-hop than metal, but synth wise they are really un-imaginitive, most metal/rock keyboardist make these really complex patches that sound amazing but pretty much every modern workstation has everything you could need for hip-hop/rap programmed into it as presets, every time i hear a patch in a hip-hop song i can almost pick out what preset on a board it is...

every time i got to guitar center's keyboard department the douche that works there always tried to show me all the lame beats it can make by pressing a button, then ill ask him about filters and Oscilators and effects chains and he has no idea...

here's what the beat ends up sounding like.

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It started really awesome but then they dumbed it down as they started rapping. However, the chorus is pretty epic.

Lyrically I'm reminded of Eminem, which isn't a good thing. I just didn't like the flow.
cage used to rap a lot better when he was fat and on pcp. This new album he's trying to appeal to a more alternative hot topic crowd. This is one of the more non-gay songs on the album and it's pretty soft. El-P's beats are always nice though.

Cage used to be like eminem lyrically, songs about pissing in girls' mouths, fantasizing about killing step fathers and things of that nature.

Here's old fat drugged out wigger cage.

This is my favorite shit he's done. An album dedicated entirely to smoking leak with Tame One of Artifacts fame. (NJ!)

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here's what the beat ends up sounding like.

yeah but again most of that is preset in those synths, the wierd arp pad came from the triton the whulitzer came from the nord (very famous for their ability to emulate 60's-70's e pianos and organs) and the bass line kame from the R-3 which is an analog modeling synth, although he could indeed be one of the rare producers that actually makes his own sounds, i did like that he actually did the bassline on the R-3 instead of sequencing it like most do.

plus he's actually using hardware instead of cheap VST's
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