Close Minded Metalheads

This is funny shit. I've had people say "I thought you'd grow out of metal by now", and I just don't understand it. As I get older I think I've been getting even more into it, though of course my tastes have broadened (5 years ago i didn't listen to folk, triphop, and other totally non-metal pussy shit). I don't see myself giving up the metal any time soon.

As I got older I was no longer able to differentiate metal from other forms of music that I listened to. If I liked it, I liked it and that was that.

Metalheads like to compartmentalize everything they do and it's just silly. I mean, the singer for Sonic Youth digs Napalm Death and black metal. He has nothing to prove, yet I'm sure some of his friends look at him funny when he puts on Anthems from Emperor.
Whilst I agree listening to only "crusty" produced albums is silly, I can understand deliberately giving an album that sort of production. Certain forms of metal, especially the more "extreeeeeeeeme" types, (black, death, etc) are frequently more about the whole atmosphere of the song, rather than the instrumentation of the individual instruments. Perfectly clear production is meant so that you can easily make what all the musicians are doing, which is fine for certain types of music, particularly more technical bands. However, thats not what that music is about, it's not about what crazy riffs or licks the guitarist is doing, or the nuts blasting by the drummer, its about the whole feeling of the band giving an intense oppressive atmosphere (I know, the word gets thrown around a lot, it's a total cliche). I tend to prefer a muddier production when it comes to black and death metal because I just feel it suits the music better, but the clear mix certainly has its place. See Politics of Ecstasy, which is produced perfectly for the music. Dunno if any of that makes sense.

I think it all makes perfect sense, and I get what you mean (redundant?). I'm sure if Varg were still making music under Burzum the sound would be akin to recording on a cassette tape in a basement to this day. It's just how it was meant to be.

And maybe, just maybe, there are some bands out there that ought to record on 8 tracks just so you can't hear how bad they suck as easily.
On the other side, what's funny to me is the proportion of non-metalheads who are surprised when I listen to more than metal.

"So... you listen to metal? Like Metallica and Slayer and that stuff?"
"Some... well, not much Metallica or Slayer... probably about 40-50% metal, the rest is hard bop and old prog rock."
"..." *confused look at long-haired weirdo who growls at people who approach too closely but doesn't fit the stereotype*

On the other side, what's funny to me is the proportion of non-metalheads who are surprised when I listen to more than metal.

"So... you listen to metal? Like Metallica and Slayer and that stuff?"
"Some... well, not much Metallica or Slayer... probably about 40-50% metal, the rest is hard bop and old prog rock."
"..." *confused look at long-haired weirdo who growls at people who approach too closely but doesn't fit the stereotype*

yeh i think i surprised a dude the other day on the drive to the camping trip. he was like, "yeh i took all the hard stuff off my ipod, all i have now is a bunch of Dub step" and i was like, "awesome!@"
Non-metalheads do make that assumption pretty readily; I think they're sometimes surprised at themselves for doing so. Although, many are unrepentant...I recall some prick from a forum I used to frequent who was fond of ranting about how much metalheads suck, and was fond of saying "Christ, isn't Slayer enough for you people???" This guy was obsessed with Motorpscyho from Norway and insisted that no metal fan could ever appreciate them; he used the phrase "pearls before swine" more than once in reference to this belief of his.

Man, I'm really glad I don't go to that forum anymore.
So lunar, pardon my noobishness, but who's OM? And yes, presumptuous cocks from come in all shapes and sizes and musical backgrounds, I agree.
I paved the road to my own self destruction a long time ago. And goddammit, I'm still proud! By the way, if you've seen any pictures, my hair isn't nearly as lengthy as I'd like it to be, so as the years go by, I might become even more dickish in proportion to the length of my hair, haha. Whatever, I'm sure I'll always have you guys to keep me in line and for kevin to give some daily perspective, so it'll all work out in the end, I'm sure.
Just joshin' ya. By all means, get out of's fun. I haven't gotten out of line in a while, mainly because there's nothing left to rant about that I haven't already ranted about.
Personally, I don't think it's healthy to really loathe something and keep it bottled up inside. If you can't find exercise equipment or at least a punching bag, ranting whilst listening to nevermore/meshuggah/vader/bloodbath/opeth/cryptopsy/primordial is like sex. Well that's a little exaggerated... No, wait. I take that back depending the girl.
Jen, yes it is fucking annoying. Im really tired of this elitist attitude with metalheads. Also those little assholes who have to shove everything into sub genres and sub genres of sub genres. Its like fuck you man! Its music and i like it, fuck the rest!
They're pretty nifty when it comes to finding more bands of a certain style. For instance, if one wanted to find more bands of the black/thrash style of Destroyer 666, it would be difficult if the only describing word you had was "music".
You could say "it had elements of thrash and black metal" instead of calling it blackened thrash.