Close Minded Metalheads

Not really. I'm calling upon two to describe it. I said elements of both, not that it deserves its own category.
How about "bands that kinda sound like Destroyer 666?" Are you gonna say Destroyer 666 is a subgenre? Seriously if one band has a certain sound, does that mean theres a new subgenre?
How about "bands that kinda sound like Destroyer 666?" Are you gonna say Destroyer 666 is a subgenre? Seriously if one band has a certain sound, does that mean theres a new subgenre?

Sure, but for the most part most bands stick with one subgenre or more that are already established until some groundbreaking band comes along and starts a new trend. categorization just makes things easier. of course there are bands that are impossible to, but they're few and rare.
^5 Max

Seriously if one band has a certain sound, does that mean theres a new subgenre?

Very very few bands have their own sound though. And in the rare case they do, they're usually doing something way way out there like Sigh's last album in which case you just call them avant-garde.

I'd be more than happy to help you learn your subgenres if you're confused Mah.

jk :lol:
Whilst I agree listening to only "crusty" produced albums is silly, I can understand deliberately giving an album that sort of production. Certain forms of metal, especially the more "extreeeeeeeeme" types, (black, death, etc) are frequently more about the whole atmosphere of the song, rather than the instrumentation of the individual instruments. Perfectly clear production is meant so that you can easily make what all the musicians are doing, which is fine for certain types of music, particularly more technical bands. However, thats not what that music is about, it's not about what crazy riffs or licks the guitarist is doing, or the nuts blasting by the drummer, its about the whole feeling of the band giving an intense oppressive atmosphere (I know, the word gets thrown around a lot, it's a total cliche). I tend to prefer a muddier production when it comes to black and death metal because I just feel it suits the music better, but the clear mix certainly has its place. See Politics of Ecstasy, which is produced perfectly for the music. Dunno if any of that makes sense.

It makes complete sense Max and actually I do agree with you for the most part. But there's a crowd of these guys that come in and they refuse to listen to anything but the crust which I just think is rediculous. I however, don't usually prefer a muddier production. I have to be in the mood for the crust!
When I hear the word "progressive", I usually run away screaming. And it's full of bands who aren't bands, but just individual members having a contest with each other and telling the audience through their music, "I'm better than you."

If you can't make music with your talent, then you're not a're just really adept at memorizing scales and structures.

Like this band. What the fuck is this crap? Every time I think they're on to something, they completely fuck it up with wankery. I fucking hate these bands.

"OMG WE PLAY DISSONANT CHORDS INTERTWINED WITH POLYRHYTHMS!!!!" Too bad no one can remember a single riff in all that mess.

yeah it's pretty muddled, i don't agree with a lot of those point's i genuinely like progressive for the songs, i don't see how people think it's wank, i've never seen it....but too each his own.

i've been listening to a lot of Andromeda lately and i think they do a really good job of having well thought out songs but awesome musicianship as well, they seem to have found a balance unlike a lot of the bands do today.
Just took in a listen, Augury is pretty damn good in my opinion. They got growling, a girl who sings like a fucking sylph, they got iron maiden moments definitely, and double bass kick rapage. Listen to the Lair of Purity, its fucking epic... nay, LEGEND(G)RY! Great acoustic work there. The opera lady fucking kills there too.
God I love Youtube. I just paused a trance song I was listening to on that site to check out this Augury tune here. lol