Clothes n shit.

i've started to hate people who try to show off that they are "metal" by wearing ridiculous clothes like pants with spikes and al that me they are posers who wanna be metal and thats the only way they can achieve it (no offence to anyone here)
I do wear clothes Black Core :lol:
And well you look in my closet and all you see is black pretty much heh. I usually wear really baggy jeans with like chains and spikes n shit hanging off of them... with a bullet belt and a band t-shirt or a tank top with a hoodie over it.
People label me as a tom-boy...meh I don't know. I don't think I am...I still wear make up and shit.

baggy pants rule, they sit so comphy :)

@douce, those combats rule ass :rock:
i've started to hate people who try to show off that they are "metal" by wearing ridiculous clothes like pants with spikes and al that me they are posers who wanna be metal and thats the only way they can achieve it (no offence to anyone here)

^^I agree. I hate those (Tripp) pants you find at like, hot topic with all the chains and stupid colors and junk, I absolutely HATE that. Such a turnoff. As for being feminine, tight pants and tank tops for me.
i wear whatever is in my closet and dresser. people are confused by my style because i can pull almost anything off, and its kind of like..a different stydle every day almost. LOL. lately its been more...bummy looking.
:erk:, no feminist at all :erk:
I think it is if the girl look like a girl :lol: