CoB next In Flames ?


New Metal Member
Sep 9, 2005
One of my favourite bands that turned into the greatest disappointment to the "true" metal scene was In Flames - indeed by selling out and going totally Nu Metal. :yell: That was a real low blow :yuk:

Being a CoB fan, in reasonable amounts of course not over-fanatic I cant help but start thinking where the band is going to ? The sound definately changed. Music is now easily acceptable by masses, the vocals of alexi are now somewhat cleaner and easier to get.

I see many things which point to a bad direction, various merchandise in not the classic metal style only in black and stuff :) not that this is bad.. I heard some really disturbing riffs in a few songs in the new album which remind me of latest in flames stuff. And the trashed.. video all this pro-usa stuff. I dont really like it.

Now a thing we all know and must admit is that CoB went commercial, thats not something you can deny or not notice. Thats ok i guess who would deny the $$$ ? I actually can think of one bass player :D

I was just wondering what do you think, will Cob step over the thin line on which they are now walking and go to the NU direction. Id really hate to see that happen thouhg we have the foundations set currently.

Well tell me what u think about it - and please if you arent going to say something serious dont bother. Im not impressed by the haista vittu attitude of 13 year olds - fu cob i best lahlahlah.. :yuk:

cheers :D
^ Not funny.

Well, I can't deny that CoB changed, but I doubt they will go Nu Metal, and they aren't Nu Metal right now, they're some kind of Speed-Death-Metal, their songs are more straight forward, not the 1000 different parts like in the old songs, also the Black Metal and Neoclassical influences are gone.
Their sound also changed (sometimes too overproduced and clear IMHO).
They have fans that aren't Metalheads or something else extreme-directed...

Well, I guess I said everything without a personal touch, only facts, as I can see....
But this thread will
a) be closed
or b) go up in flames because of the tons of 1-sentence-comments everyone HAS to tell you, hardcorefans and new fans...
fuck, why everyone thinks that cob is turning nu metal? i think everyone don't know what they're talking about. have you guys listen nu metal, really? like i have said, before i started listening these metal bands what i now listen (slayer,cob,pantera etc.) i listened nu metal LOT OF, linkin park,pod, papa roach and stuff like that, and cob doesn't remind me about any one them, cob have heavier album in their history, they have thrash riffs, great solos, HOW THE FUCK THAT IS NU METAL? nu metal has also rap on their song, did you guys know that, TELL ME IF COB HAVE RAP ON THEIR SONG?no. that what i was thinking, please, people, can you count 10 before posting anything stupid like this on the board? or you could really get the facts first before posting.

and riddermark or whateva, why i haven't see you posting here before? this is probably your first post and you're making clown for yourself.
Riddermark said:
One of my favourite bands that turned into the greatest disappointment to the "true" metal scene was In Flames - indeed by selling out and going totally Nu Metal. :yell: That was a real low blow :yuk:

Being a CoB fan, in reasonable amounts of course not over-fanatic I cant help but start thinking where the band is going to ? The sound definately changed. Music is now easily acceptable by masses, the vocals of alexi are now somewhat cleaner and easier to get.

I see many things which point to a bad direction, various merchandise in not the classic metal style only in black and stuff :) not that this is bad.. I heard some really disturbing riffs in a few songs in the new album which remind me of latest in flames stuff. And the trashed.. video all this pro-usa stuff. I dont really like it.

Now a thing we all know and must admit is that CoB went commercial, thats not something you can deny or not notice. Thats ok i guess who would deny the $$$ ? I actually can think of one bass player :D

I was just wondering what do you think, will Cob step over the thin line on which they are now walking and go to the NU direction. Id really hate to see that happen thouhg we have the foundations set currently.

Well tell me what u think about it - and please if you arent going to say something serious dont bother. Im not impressed by the haista vittu attitude of 13 year olds - fu cob i best lahlahlah.. :yuk:

cheers :D

i only want to say that you are a fucking stupid dumbass, you dont know anything about music or about what is Nü Metal or not, i agree with you, CoB is more comercial now then before, but thats because with their great music they sell the albums, and this guys dont change their music style like in flames only to being commercial, thats a BIG difference, dont be so fucking stupid, and listen to ARE YOU DEAD YET album, and after that listen to SOUNTRACK TO YOUR SCAPE and you will see, COB doesnt have clean gay voices like anders trying to be like jonathan david from korn, so the voices are NOT similar in ANY way.... and the music of cob.... what can i say? it fucking rulez and is not nü metal, so please dont be so fucking stupid man, seriously, you write shit!...
juoppo said:
fuck, why everyone thinks that cob is turning nu metal? i think everyone don't know what they're talking about. have you guys listen nu metal, really? like i have said, before i started listening these metal bands what i now listen (slayer,cob,pantera etc.) i listened nu metal LOT OF, linkin park,pod, papa roach and stuff like that, and cob doesn't remind me about any one them, cob have heavier album in their history, they have thrash riffs, great solos, HOW THE FUCK THAT IS NU METAL? nu metal has also rap on their song, did you guys know that, TELL ME IF COB HAVE RAP ON THEIR SONG?no. that what i was thinking, please, people, can you count 10 before posting anything stupid like this on the board? or you could really get the facts first before posting.

agreed. Riddermark the guy that post this thread is a fucking dumbass that doesn't knows what is what.
I don't think COB are on any 'thin line' to Nu metal. This is all getting said because all of a sudden their popularity has shot up and they're getting noticed in the States.
Why is it people seem dedicated to bringing a band down so fast after they have worked so hard to build themselves up, it's really annoying, not only (i suspect) to the band themselves but also to the fans that continue to support them.
Oh and Children of Bodom heading in a NU direction? Besides the 458 times this issue has been discussed prior to this, let me make a quick NU Metal Checklist:

1) Rap/Hip Hop influence
2) No Solos
3) No riffs that involve 4 or more notes in rapid succession.
5) Dyed hair/costumes
6) Singer who is of a different race than the rest of the band/Short haired dyed blonde white guy
7) From the US
8) Clean, sung out choruses, with overlapped vocal harmonies/overuse of them
9) Guitarists worse than most guitarists on UM

Now, Children of Bodom's "new" direction has nothing to do with "nu metal". Absolutely nothing. They are not neoclassical anymore, but they still have their melodic edge, evil vocals (on most songs), and killer solos, so can't we all just get along?.....except Noble Viking cuz he hates In Flames....
Parn666 said:
Well, I can't deny that CoB changed, but I doubt they will go Nu Metal, and they aren't Nu Metal right now, they're some kind of Speed-Death-Metal, their songs are more straight forward, not the 1000 different parts like in the old songs, also the Black Metal and Neoclassical influences are gone.
Their sound also changed (sometimes too overproduced and clear IMHO).
They have fans that aren't Metalheads or something else extreme-directed...

In Your Face was industrial influenced numetal, and a huge disappointment.

and Children of Bodom have never been a "death" metal band. Not even a speed metal band.
inflames and cob aren't nu metal if anything cob have gotten better . and inflames has got more techniqual.

(Hi jesus)
They were a fucking huge Melodic/black/atmospheric metal band. They became dropped, that fucked everything. And I insist on the fact i fucking prefered Alexander's parts than Roope's parts.
_FollowTheReaper_ said:
They were a fucking huge Melodic/black/atmospheric metal band. They became dropped, that fucked everything. And I insist on the fact i fucking prefered Alexander's parts than Roope's parts.

PLease dont blame Roope for an album turn out.