COB should headline ozzfest

signed, but from what i hear, sabbath is headlining this year with slayer and dimmu borgir, so its lining up to be a decent year for ozzfest, hell black label society, and lamb of god are there too so i might just get a ticket for 5
dimmu is gay and fuckin' fake, sabbath is dead as fuck. Slayer though can be quite okay, I have never seen them live, and BLS okay, that's cool.

BTW: very very very maybe we're gonna have Slayer in a small bar in my hometown...totally crazy shit....
It would be perfect for them to replace superjoint'll be the greatest ozzfest ever
anyway i don't live in the US, i just want COB to kick some major ass over there:D
dimmu might not be the fuckin greatest shit in black metal(not that they really can be considered 'true' now) but they still can fuckin rock the fuckin place like nobodies bitch, if you dont like them thats cool whatever but they have some talent compared to a lot of the acts that we will hear at ozzfest, you know im right there man.

plus man, how the fuck can you say that about sabbath? if it werent for ozzy, tony and the guys where would metal be? huh? they were the ORININATORS!!!! i say hold your fuckin fists in the air and salute sabbath cause those fuckers still have it after all these years, and fuck man iommi doesnt even have most of his fingers! how fuckin metal is that!

also dont get me started on slayer, there ok at best, yeah they were one of the "big three" of thrash, but come on i can only put up with the same god damn riff over and over so much (no disrespect meant to slayer fans just not really my thing thats all) now granted reign in blood is one fuckin sick as hell album too i will give them that, but i would rather listen to megadeth, friedmen is a fuckin freak!

i just hope that damageplan wont be there, we dont need that more mallcore bullshit then will already be there, maybe if dime joins zakk on stage during a black label song that would kick ass, but we need pantera back
I agree with Heavenscent. Dimmu Borgir is a fag, Slayer and BLS rule. And of course Children of Bodom totally rule. So yeah, they should be on Ozzfest.
I think it would also be really cool for Alexi to be on Ozzfest, because he´s such a big Ozzy fan.
Okay, dimmu have got some talent, but they are overrated I guess, like CoF. Nothing against the old Black Sabbath. HELL NO! But their 2nd man, 1st in music, that guitar playing guy (totally awesome, but can't remember his name right now) has been dead for quite a while, and Ozzy is all that's left (that actually matters) in black sabbath. It's just Ozzy and 'a band'. Don't get me wrong, I acknowledge their value for metal, very much indeed, but now it's not even a vague shadow of what it used to be, it's only the name, that's all.
Tony Iommi isn't dead dumbass. Are you thinking of Randy Rhoads from Ozzy's band? They have Zakk Wylde playing for them. You're such a retard.
Pita Bread said:
I wonder who would win at a drinking contest- Alexi or Ozzy?
Hands down Alexi right now seeing as Ozzy doesnt really booze anymore (look at the guy) but back in Ozzy's day (70s-80s) deffinently Ozzman..should be who would win at a drinking contest..Alexi or Zakk