:lol:!maybe we should ask verikukka about it,but I think that the ones claiming for Alexi to be an alcoholic and COB to record wasted will get a kinda sarcastic(it's what the hypotesis deserves) answer on 2:37 or sth.

-Surprisingly fucked up riff.
-Yeah,it sound's like it aint no picnic.

what the hell is up with the vid?did you all expect a documentary like DT Chaos In Progress or sth?it's just funny videos to keep us a bit entretained until the actual album or single comes out!you should be grateful!usually bands just wait until the single is ready!noone said that they'd be explaining the new riffs and playing new songs for us.
Ok ok it was cool. But I think they should've made Roope tell about the songs. Maybe not. Well, just looking forward to hear it, can't wait... You know the feeling is like you're laying on a naked pretty girl, just that there's a glass in between.
:lol:!maybe we should ask verikukka about it,but I think that the ones claiming for Alexi to be an alcoholic and COB to record wasted will get a kinda sarcastic(it's what the hypotesis deserves) answer on 2:37 or sth.

-Surprisingly fucked up riff.
-Yeah,it sound's like it aint no picnic.


True...i mean for fucks sake we are not their mothers. They give us kickass music and we wont even let their lives be?:lol: They might like alcohol but they aint insane.:lol: I Lol'd hard on that part where they were hinting about it.
It's good to see they're surely having lots of fun there. *Sigh*

The country side makes you wonder why they covered redneck songs..
Ah damn, you're right. I should go to summer house and get drunk, sauna all night long and metal. Anybody wanna join?

I shall have to pay a visit and have a beer and sauna with COB!
Edit: Case of beer. I should ask Janne if I can :p

Yeah right, they're only waiting for you and others to show up because they don't have anything else to do in the next weeks. It's unbelievable that some people think that the band is there just for fun. They're recording their most important album up to date and that means hard work. If they wanna relax after a hard day of work, they don't need to get bothered by annoying people like you. They have enough friends if they wanna party there.

Alexi Laiho said:
That comment was so funny... that who would be such an idiot that would pay expensive studio time just to get there and get wasted.

i couldn't help but make a connection :p

is alexi really wearing a hair clip? :lol: