is there anyone who does know what is he actually talking about?I'm curious about must be sth bad because he looks a bit angry,and just after that Alexi comes saying that about ''we and Roope just hate each other now...'' (which obviously is false,as what Henkka said in Part 1 about Alexi beeing ''always totally drunk''),but what does it mean with ''he's fucked up flap techniques''?
It's like Roope couldn't play some of Alexi's shit because Alexi had questionable techniques. It's half joke and just frustration, I think Alexi shows some frustration as well.
bahh,Alexi is just kidding in that part.he just makes it up a bit bigger that it is because he's in front of the camera,:lol:

btw,someone posted sth interesting in the piccies thread:

at the beggining of part 2 janne says:

''It's gonna be aaawesome!''
''And we drove here''(or sth like that)

so we can see that the guys really found funny all the stupid bullshit that was posted here about their drinking habits and Alexi driving drunk and decided to make it clear this time:heh::heh:
well,I'm not trying to relate myself to COB in the first way I can,I just think that it'd be difficult that it was a coincidence that janne comes here,sees all the bullshit and then in the vid they say this two things about driving and the studio.I mean:if anything of this had been said or janne hadn't read it,what sense would it had made that they said that they're driving or that someone commented that they'd book a studio just ''to go there get wasted''?I know they're not thinking about us as individual.I'm not an 8 year old kid or a retarded teen(I'm teen ,but not retarded,:lol:)who thinks that by ''defending'' their heroes Janne will come and pick me up and take me on tour with them or sth,:lol::lol::lol:
is there anyone who does know what is he actually talking about?I'm curious about must be sth bad because he looks a bit angry,and just after that Alexi comes saying that about ''we and Roope just hate each other now...'' (which obviously is false,as what Henkka said in Part 1 about Alexi beeing ''always totally drunk''),but what does it mean with ''he's fucked up flap techniques''?

''we and Roope just hate each other now...'' It's actually "Me and Roope just hate each other now..." And it is just Alexi being sarcastic.

Ask Roope about the flap. He's a guitar player- so it could mean anything.
I think there's always a moment when a guitarist has trouble getting a riff right and he can say fuck this ain't working it's your fault, there's no need to fucking discuss this.
why,because you're not guitarist so you can't discuss about it??:lol:

''we and Roope just hate each other now...'' It's actually "Me and Roope just hate each other now..." And it is just Alexi being sarcastic.

Ask Roope about the flap. He's a guitar player- so it could mean anything.

re-read my post and you'll se that I do know this,I was just asking about the meaning of that ''flap technique'' thing.
why,because you're not guitarist so you can't discuss about it??:lol:

re-read my post and you'll se that I do know this,I was just asking about the meaning of that ''flap technique'' thing.

This is not always the fastest system, and your "repost" was not there at the time I wrote that.

But any-who... Have A Nice Day!