Concept albums (top 5)

Originally posted by ControlledChaos
YES! PEOPLE KNOW WHO RAISON D'ETRE IS!! WOO HOO! (sorry got a little excited there)

1. Letum - The Entrance to Salvation
2. Pain of Salvation - The Perfect Element
3. Emperor - Prometheus
4. Opeth - Still Life
5. Opeth - MAYH

Yes, yes we do ;)
Raison D'etre is my fav musical project of all time ;)
Peter Andersson is currently working on the new album!
If you haven't already, you should check out his other projects...Necrophorus and Atomine Elektrine in particular.

There are also a lot of great bands on the Cold Meat industry label, as you would now (Letum). I'm sure quite a few of them are concept albums.
Whats up with everybody's Fear Factorys "Obsolete" anyway? Their not bad but are they that good to rate in your top 5 greatest concept albums?!

Anyways here are mine in no particular order
1) Opeth - Still Life
2) Iron Maiden - 7th son of a 7th son
3) Pain of Salvation - One hour by the concrete lake
4) Pain of Salvation - The Perfect Element Pt.1
5) Opeth - My Arms your Hearse

--------------------------------> Cant take it, here are some more!:
6) Dream Theater - Sfam
7) Shadow Gallery - Tyranny
8) Blind Guardian - Nightfall in Middle Earth

1: Opeth - "MAYH" (best concept album ever, all fits together here)
2: Ulver - "Bergtatt (Et Eventyr I 5 Kapitler)"
3: Opeth - "Still Life"
4: Ulver - "Themes form William blakes "Marriage of Heaven and Hell"
5: NIN - "The Downward Spiral"

[edit] Empyrium´s "Weiland" is also great, don´t know if it´s really a concept album... [/edit] :confused:
What? No Sabbat's Dreamweaver? Where have you been, you ignorant bastards? ;)
But some other good concept albums:
King Diamond: Abigail
Opeth: My Arms, Your Hearse
Ulver: Themes from William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
ooooh...very original thread thorns! (not being sarcastic btw)

i don't know many concept albums so my choices would be:

Opeth - Still Life
Opeth - My Arms Your Hears
Emperor - Prometheus
Dream Theater - SFAM
In no particular order:

Nine Inch Nails: The Downward Spiral
-A great album from my favorite band/artist. My favorite tracks are Reptile and Ruiner.

Amorphis: Elegy
-Yes, I consider this to be a concept album, you know, with the whole Kanteletar thing. I think I even read in an interview once with Esa and Tomi that it was considered to be a concept album. My favorite tracks are Cares and Song Of The Troubled One.

Opeth: My Arms, Your Hearse
-A flat-out GREAT album. It has a true atmosphere to it that always makes me think. My favorite tracks are When and Karma.

Nevermore: Dreaming Neon Black
-I love Nevermore, and I love this CD. That's all I need to say. My favorite tracks on it are Posion Godmachine and No More Will.

Radiohead: OK Computer
-A very, very good album by a very overlooked band. My favorite tracks are Electioneering and Subterranean Homesick Alien.

Some other honorable mentions go to Devy, Pink Floyd, Dream Theater, and Stabbing Westward's Darkest Days(the band's only good album).
Originally posted by The Deathrace King
'Chaosphere' is a concept album? O_o
I believe it is...I think it's about a man transforming himself into a machine. Remnants of Reason says, " Lyrically, a concept album which describes an individual who proceeds to swap his human parts for machinery, the music alone could have described this scenario. Cold, precise, yet always threatening to break free of binds which hold this beast together".

Good lyrics, good music.
1 Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse This is number one for three simple reasons: First the music is, of course, amazing and very emotional. Each song is the logical successor to the previous. We all know about Opeth's musicianship. Second, it is one of the best short stories I have read in a while. It is sufficiently vague and intricate to require a number of readings before all the details are discovered. It is both personal and emotional. Third, the story and the music actually work together. You can feel the events of the story in the sound of the music.

2 Emperor - Prometheus Ahh the wonders of Emperor. This album is simply spectacular. I can't speak its praises enough.

3 Blind Guardian - Nightfall in Middle Earth How I love the stories of Tolkien. I think they could have kept more to the original storyline than they did, but oh well. The music is amazing and fitting though.

4 Opeth - Still Life This one just seems more last minute than MAYH. It's as if the lyrics were an afterthought: "hey! lets make this a concept album". The music is excellent, quite emotional, but the story is just not very personal and not as interesting as in MAYH.

5 Fear Factory - Obsolete This one has the simplest music of the five (thus placement), but I love the story; I have read it three or four times. It gives me this fantastic feeling that I rarely get. The music itself has a story to it, with the perfect ending in "Timelessness". The music also fits the lyrics very well, and I like the extra story that is included which isn't part of the lyrics. I have to say, EDGECRUSHER is a cool hero, even though you don't find out much about him. Fear Factory may not be as well composed as Strapping Young Lad or as atmospheric as Skinny Puppy, but they make for a great middle ground. It's too bad their new album kinda sucks.
Edge of Sanity - Crimson

I would put it on there, but I just can't consider this one a concept album. Sure, techincally it is one, since the song holds the same idea throughout, as a song should. But it's only a concept album by default. It's like saying that Pink Floyd's Meddle is half of a concept album.
Fredrik Thordendal - Sol Niger Within
I cant beleive someone knew about this mans great project, thanks for the support with our VEHEMENCE-GOD WAS CREATED album on Metal Blade Records.

It is a conceptual album and we are working for a horror story occult, 10 music videos song DVD, along with live footage separate from the music videos, along with sketch artist/making of stuff like that. I see it comming to the surface in late 2004. The album is for smart minds only!

Want to know more about the concepts in our album, reading some interviews on our website!