
went to a local battle of the bands, my bad's first gig. lol some people didn't like us because I did "rawr rawr rawr growl satan rawr rawr rawwwr" I love people who think black metal bands suck. overall I think we were pretty good.. we had to record bass and drum tracks because of the short notice we couldn't find a replacement drummer and bass player. but everyone who was there that listens to black metal thought we were pretty good.
I just came home from Faith No More. I have only one word to say that: Mike patton is the man and one of the best gigs i've been to ever!
saw Cynic for the 2nd time, what a great band.

i don't like Korn, but they pulled out a great show on this year's Exit festival.

saw My Dying Bride for the 2nd time too. they played some oldies such as The Thrash Of Naked Limbs, Turn Loose The Swans and From Darkest Skies :) the drummer broke his leg that day but pulled a great show anyway.

saw a band called Cilice a while back (actually, worked as a sound engineer for them). were very Meshuggah/Dillinger sounding, nice.
Fkin Atilla the SUNN o)))) show...
Green was the loudest show BY FAR I have ever been to. I think the purpose of the "music" is to feel it as much as hear it. Small venue...maybe 120 people total....magnificent! Ate dinner next to them and said hello to Atilla at the end. Seriously a moment in history for me.



I read somewhere that they kicked people out if they took pics with their camera phone. Do you know anything about that? I just want to take 2 or 3 pics, but not get kicked out. I don't see how they can enforce that very well either.

When I saw them in Boston back in 2007, I saw secruity take somebody's camera away from them after they took a picture.
Aaahhh, Sunn 0))) is fucking sick. love 'em.

i'm going to see Katatonia next week haahahahhaesihraklwehjraklewjt±!!!!@!@!Q@
*total chaos*
and opeth, amorphis, ghost brigade, secrets of the moon, urgehal... moremroemreormeore.
@ summer breeze!

who's awesome now!?