Gotta make this quick, I'm off for my second opinion...
I was around WD one time, trying to get something signed. It...was bad timing or something.
Met Jeff, Curran, Tim in passing...
I was around David Wayne of Metal Church when one of the roadies mistook him for another roadie. He got pissed, and used lotsa profanity. It was funny.
I saw Sanctuary 2 times. I've seen Nevermore on each of the last three tours.
I want to write a book, or help write a book, like that lady did with Lemmy.
I used to drink alot. And when I was drinking, I had a problem with Stealing! I don't mean....take typical shit. I mean I would steal plants. Once I dug up a lilac bush! And stole some hanging plants. One time I broke into a junk yard. Dug out this really cool chrome bumper that had a big price tag on it, and packed it home! All on BEER POWER!!!!
I want to interview Chuck Billy. I want to interview Matt Barlow. I won't interview anyone because I'm too shy, and can't work the courage up.
I really like Kottonmouth kings, particularly that song "All about the Weed".
I don't own nearly enough cds. My stack of promos is almost as big as my regular cds.
Most of my old school music is still on fucking TAPE! Can you believe that?
I'm PO. So poor I can't afford the "OR".
I don't own any DIMMU. I am told I should own some, but I am picky about my black metal, and I am not "tr00".
Pot plants and how they are grown is fascinating.
Off to my anger management classes! WOOHOO! You know that was bullshit, right?
Sometimes, I lie just to see how many people I can get to believe me. Then after I see how of my lies were bought, I say "I lied!" hahahaha