Confessions of the Absurd and ridiculous kind

first of all- Hemi- i'd like to say that Tee stole the words out of my mouth, im not napoleaon, but i do love you :)
and if you're not pleased with what your therapist says: get another.
what i like to do, and IMO, when someone says something i dont like to hear- i never walk away. i STAY and listen to what he has to say, and WHY.and if i think he/she is wrong- i prove him/her wrong.
so, if you ask me (and you didnt, but i'd still post my opinion) stay with this thrapist and listen to what he has to say.
not because he is right, but because if he is wrong- then prove him wrong.
you know what im sayin' ?

wow, confessions huh?>
i have too many. and too many i wont share here (sorry, those things are for my best friend's ears only, and believe me, she was amazed... hehehe :lol: )
but i can share a few:

1) i have the Destiny's Child cd at home, and i like it.
2) when i was 15 i stole my neighbour's cat because he abused him.... and i never steal...
3) i kissed a girl more than once.
4) all my hair bands are pink.
5) i love Walt Disney's cartoon movies.
6) i once had a crush on Mike Paton
7) i used to be a tom boy... i learned how to put make up and all the "girlie" stuff only 4 years ago.
8) my first kiss was when i was 14, a year after that i lost my virginity
(wow that sounds bad... but he was my bf at that time!)

heheh :lol:
Time for you to laugh at me

I used to go to church on my by my own decision

I don't own PoE, In Memory or the s/t

I've never had a girlfriend.

I've never even been out on a date

Like Wolftribe, there was a time at which Star Wars dictated my life... this was of course, before George Lucas sold out.

For the other nerds: I've only seen Episode I once

I am a misanthope, but thats not really a confession

I've never actually met most of my best friends

now laugh at me in all the true patheticism that I am.
NicodemiX said:
Time for you to laugh at me

I used to go to church on my by my own decision

I don't own PoE, In Memory or the s/t

I've never had a girlfriend.

I've never even been out on a date

Like Wolftribe, there was a time at which Star Wars dictated my life... this was of course, before George Lucas sold out.

For the other nerds: I've only seen Episode I once

I am a misanthope, but thats not really a confession

I've never actually met most of my best friends

now laugh at me in all the true patheticism that I am.
ah man, thats not bad i can relate to most of those

i only got in memory on xmas
star wars of course (yeah, the bastard totally sold out)
I use to be quite the christian
i've actually seen episode 1 four or five times :loco: mainly for the podracing scene (you have to admit, that scene slays)
i have a good one!!
I've only known about nevermore since May or so of last year (NE metalfest)
only started liking "real" metal in mid-8th grade
and yes, metallica started it for me, then AE
I've seen soulfly, static x (twice), Ill nino (twice), korn, disturbed, and so many other bands maaany times
and i've also gone to ozzfest twice, and plan on going again... so sue me
hehehe that reminds me of a bday card my sister claire got once

It says on the front...
"You could be a topless waitress at one of those topless bars if it wasn't for two little things:"

and inside it says

"Your dignity and your modesty"
which is funny. because my sister is not modest.
Wolftribe said:
i've actually seen episode 1 four or five times :loco: mainly for the podracing scene (you have to admit, that scene slays)
I've seen it about 4 or 5 times too. I watched it mostly for Natalie Portman being so damned gorgeous, the pod racing scene, and the best of all is the fight between Darth Maul, Obi Wan, and shit ever....awesome choreography and the song plyed during it is killer! Also, Jake Lloyd is a bitch.
confessions confessions....hmmm....

i used to have 2 soulfly shirts.
i still want my stryper tape back that my brother stole from me when i was 3.
i used to burn roaches alive in a candle flame, as well as ink pens and hair.
when i was a baby i said i was going to marry my cousin bobby.
i was in ROTC for three years and was a prominent member.
i had sex with a hairbrush.
i used to wear my bangs in dreads.
recess is one of my favorite cartoons.
people used to think i was a boy upon first glance:grin: .
i can play the trombone.
i used to feed the colonies of the huge red ants that were in my grandma's pasture. hey, it was cute throwing food on the ant bed and watching them carry it underground.
i didn't wear a bra til the eighth grade.
i like spacehog.
i haven't been to the doctor in 6 years.
Gotta make this quick, I'm off for my second opinion... :)

I was around WD one time, trying to get something signed. It...was bad timing or something.

Met Jeff, Curran, Tim in passing...

I was around David Wayne of Metal Church when one of the roadies mistook him for another roadie. He got pissed, and used lotsa profanity. It was funny.

I saw Sanctuary 2 times. I've seen Nevermore on each of the last three tours.

I want to write a book, or help write a book, like that lady did with Lemmy.

I used to drink alot. And when I was drinking, I had a problem with Stealing! I don't mean....take typical shit. I mean I would steal plants. Once I dug up a lilac bush! And stole some hanging plants. One time I broke into a junk yard. Dug out this really cool chrome bumper that had a big price tag on it, and packed it home! All on BEER POWER!!!!

I want to interview Chuck Billy. I want to interview Matt Barlow. I won't interview anyone because I'm too shy, and can't work the courage up.

I really like Kottonmouth kings, particularly that song "All about the Weed".

I don't own nearly enough cds. My stack of promos is almost as big as my regular cds.

Most of my old school music is still on fucking TAPE! Can you believe that?

I'm PO. So poor I can't afford the "OR".

I don't own any DIMMU. I am told I should own some, but I am picky about my black metal, and I am not "tr00".

Pot plants and how they are grown is fascinating.

Off to my anger management classes! WOOHOO! You know that was bullshit, right?

Sometimes, I lie just to see how many people I can get to believe me. Then after I see how of my lies were bought, I say "I lied!" hahahaha :lol:
I have perfected the drunk walk. I can cover vast distances in very little time.

I have not worked sober the past 3 weeks. I work in a bar.

I'm not even going to start the sex/drink/drug ones.