Confessions of the Absurd and ridiculous kind

When I was very very young I fell asleep in my parents car. My mother left me in the car while she brought the grocerys in the house.

I woke up, put the car in gear, it rolled out of the garage, ripped the door off the car and rolled into the street where I was almost hit by a truck!

ha ha teach my parents to leave me alone, fuckers
ct_thrash said:
we should start a hairbrush fuck club :heh:

if only your hairbrush could talk...

Dead Lioness & Forbidden Angel.....I was lying about the Napolean Complex. That was utter and complete bullshit. I was just doing some fictional writing/conversations. I was just making light of my situation!!! I hope you didn't believe me?

Thanks Tee and Dead Lioness. For the Love. I'm touched. :) Tee likes it when I'm an outgoing spaz.
And on a confessional never to be mother in law is here. And somehow my boyfriend took her around to show her somethings, run errands shit like that. WHEW!!

1) MY poor bird hates her! He's screaming and screaming. He hates her.

2) The poor cat is old, but he's hauling ass around here to get away.

My poor, poor kids.

Otherwise, if she'd shut up for 2 seconds, maybe the animals could calm down a little!
And I could kick her hippy ass out of the house...

Not really, she's being good to me. But? She's seriously stressing my animals out. Hippy.
Witness Darkspot confess...

I've done more with a girl than just kiss her :blush:
I love OTEP, KoRn, Slipknot, and the Deftones
I have an inflicting-pain-on-myself-with-my-mother's-XACTO blades problem (that I am trying to stop for the time being)
A guy from my old neighborhood did some bad stuff to me when I was 5-ish and he's still good friends with my parents:erk: and I'm not going to tell them anything until after he's dead
I had to be the one telling my friend Emma not to be afraid of crosses
I like Marie Callender's TV-dinners
I love the Fairly OddParents cartoon.
I like a handful of rap songs (it's my sister's fault, I SWEAR!)
I listened to Limp Bizkit and Kid Rock before Cara converted me into a metalhead :notworthy
I spend waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on the Internet, usually just to talk to a guy friend of mine whenever he's on MSN
I write really bad poetry
I haven't had sex with a hairbrush
I walked from my school to the ice cream place with my friends one night while we were supposed to be watching a school play
We walked to the ice cream store after I started coughing violently from the the smoke from 2 of those friends's cigarettes they smoked during the intermission
The 5 of us stayed in the bathroom for about 15 minutes after the play to wash the smell of smoke out of our hair
I had my byofriend over to my house about 3 years ago and we made out 5 or 6 times, at various places in my house and backyard, while the other 2 friends I had over were swimming in my pool
Said boyfriend made out with my other friend and she wanted me to join in :ill:

That's about all for now...
Oh, and I stole some aquarium stones and 3 books from an aquarium store and some random book stores at various times from the ages of 7-ish to 10. My mom found the books, but she still doesn't know.
And I skipped a class once in 6th grade because it was the start of new classes and I couldn't find the classroom. And then I got caught.

We've been eating nothing but TV dinners for the past few days because, not only is my mother working 5-billion hours and never home and my father's not capable (not now, anyway) of fixing us anything but pizza, but I think we prefer the TV dinners to real food anyway. The Hellspawn eats them just because they're there.