contraversial musical opinions

Why? because he can play fast? please... I can name half a dozen other guitarists who can play just as fast if not faster.. doesn't mean shit... what does mean shit is if it's good or not... sounds good... good songwriting... etc... Below are fast guitarists that do sound good... that write or perform actual good sounding music:

Tony MacAlpine:

Tony MacAlpine:

David Russell:

Pepe Romero:

Marty Friedman:

Marty Friedman:

Al DiMeola/Paco/John McLaughlin(these guys are maniacs lol... try their solos after a year of playing lol):

Al DiMeola:

Al DiMeola:

David T. Chastain:

Sharon Isbin:

Stevie Ray Vaughn:

Sharon Isbin:

Steve Vai:

Paco De Lucia:

Jake E. Lee:

Joe Satriani:

Yngwie Malsteen:

Andres Segovia:

I dare to say this girl is probably the best classical guitarist I've seen/heard:

You forgot MAB
thank you christ illusion, i agree with most everything there except that slayer is not doing good for an older band , and they need to find a way to recreate the speed and heavy of the 80's or not create anything at all. christ illusion fucking sucked, i felt like crying, when i heard Jihad i started yelling in rage in my car. and they won a grammy for one of those songs to which makes me mad, becasue apparently the standard for winning a grammy is not as high as it was in 1986. Tom Arrayas vocals have really gone down hill too, they need to try and bring back that distorted creepy yell he use to do, instead of this clear scream.

i just went on a rant about my favorite band...:ill:

Oh god yeah, de grammy's r00l.
Oh god yeah, de grammy's r00l.

:) didnt mean to say it like that, meant to say that the standards must not be as high as in 1986

i have made some controversy in this thread and im proud.I love my opinions, and this thread, and the black metal fans. here is some more contrversy coming your way, black metal vocals sound like as i lay dying.

swallow that ,,|,,
The screaming technique and music associated with black metal is nothing like that used in metalcore. And I have no idea how you can't tell a keyboard from a metal and death metal are very different and you can never judge a genre based on vocals....I'm guessing you're new to metal, a complete noob?

He's a moron. Leave him alone.

overeated!!! that is beyond contraversial! thier modern vocals may leave something to be desired, but they have always been awesome!

1)i hate black metal, because a lot of it sounds like this modern metalcore or whatever you call it, the shrieking vocals are only cool in modernation, and a lot of the time i cant tell if hat im hearing is guitar or keyboard and i dont like that(similar to the reasons i dont like brutal death metal).

funny because black metal and death metal are very much alike, but i know the differnce when i hear it, and i like death metal alot better. i use to think that kreator was my favorite black metal band, but then i learn thier considered thrash (i thought they were black beacuse of the vocals)

2) i would listen to metallica if dave mustaine was doing the vocals

3)Chris Barnes needs to die.

You really need to get your ass kicked... perhaps get your balls ripped off and chewed on by this chick who recently got arrested for doing that to her boyfriend:

1. BlackMetal does not sound remotely like metalcore & the vocals are not the end all be all of Black metal and vocal styles vary...

2. Just the fact that you thought Kreator is black metal says alot... that you know shit about music especially metal

3. Death and Black do not sound remotely similar... you can't seem to tell the difference between genre's because so far metalcore, thrash and death metal to you sound like BlackMetal :lol:

4. Really don't give a opinion on Metal if you don't know what the fuck your talking about... go listen to metal for a year or two then get back to us... next your going to say My Dying Bride is the greatest black metal band of all time :lol:
:) didnt mean to say it like that, meant to say that the standards must not be as high as in 1986

i have made some controversy in this thread and im proud.I love my opinions, and this thread, and the black metal fans. here is some more contrversy coming your way, black metal vocals sound like as i lay dying.

swallow that ,,|,,

You're giving yourself too much credit. It's great that you have an opinion and stand by it, but you reasoning is incredibly naive and ignorant to even the most basic and common knowledge. There's very little controversy in stating an opinion that is weak to begin with. Your post on why you 'hate' black metal is about as strong as me saying "I hate Slayer because they sound exactly like Britney Spears clones."
ok people are attacking slayer now, so im just going to leave this thread alone now...

i really do prefer the dio over the ozzy though, i also prefer the band Dio over the band ozzy osbourne.

but i guess that is why they call it contraversial musical opinions....
Usually a controversial opinion is one that is debated on between two sides who both have strong arguments or can at least present one - not one side whose argument is an ignorant statement, there is nothing controversial about that. At least have some knowledge on what you are talking about.
You wouldn't say so if you saw him perform live. His on stage banter is minimal and he does 3-4 songs continually. Definitely the most solid death metal vocalist (ever).
Cool, so he sounds like he does live just like he does on the latest CD's?
Glen Benton's vocals have gotten better ever since Legion, he's gotten better with age as seen on Insinyrhythm onward.
^ Im big into virtuoso's and never heard of Segovia or Romero. For me, in the end it usually comes down to Satch-Vai-Johnson(not because they were one of 1st G3) just cause I like them best. Ive heard so much about Gilbert and never heard him before. I take it its ALL about speed with him huh?

Segovia is considered the greatest classical guitarist performer of all time though imo there are others who are better since like the Asian girl that i posted clips of... Anyways you should check out the clips of Romero and Segovia... as for Paul Gilbert... yes he is one of those Wankers from the 80's who came out after Malsteen influenced all the wankers... some were more melodic then others and those are the ones I respect like Tony MacAlpine, Marty Friedman and Becker, etc. Paul Gilbert even used a drill with picks on it to sound even faster on the guitar... here's a clip of him:
Cool, so he sounds like he does live just like he does on the latest CD's?
Glen Benton's vocals have gotten better ever since Legion, he's gotten better with age as seen on Insinyrhythm onward.

I've never listened to Deicide's 'better days' but I did enjoy their most recent album. I strongly disliked a few of their albums I did listen to, and remember reading that I think it was "Insinyrhythm" Glen admitted it was a weak album. Glen always layers his vocals and it's hard to judge anyone's vocals when they are layered. As with Nergal I find it hard to say his vocals on Demigod were incredible because they were layered, I did like them though.
Well, the vocals I heard from Insinyrhythm were great, music, I just heard bits and pieces. And what do you mean by layered vocals?
I listened and Inisnyrhythm seemed very mid tempoish and kinda un-Deicide based on the samples but his vocals were just as good as they were on Scars of The Crucifix or The Stench of Redemption. The Stench of Redemption is a great CD, I listened to it for 2 montha straight.
Well, the vocals I heard from Insinyrhythm were great, music, I just heard bits and pieces. And what do you mean by layered vocals?

Layering vocals is when a singer records two or more vocal layers on the album. In other words, when you listen to Glen you can hear at least two different vocal tracks at the same time, his deeper growls and his high-pitched screams. It isn't like its cheating or anything but the vocals you hear on the album just isn't natural because they are somewhat distorted by this technique. Also Nergal on Behemoth's Demigod album, they sound more 'potent' because of that. My only real problem with this is that you have people that are like: "Gaahl sounds like Satan himself, his vocals are insane, he sounds like a possessed demon!!111"...and whatever endless praises that follow.