contraversial musical opinions

people bashing grindcore need to stop posting that shit on here

how the fuck can something be controversial when 99.9% of the world would agree with you and probably 50 - 60% of metalheads would agree with you? :lol:
6. You have got to be fucking joking if you are one of the many many metalheads I've seen/heard who consider Nevermore's This Godless Endeavor as (one of) the "greatest metal album(s) in recent years"

Indeed. Nevermore is fucking terrible.

Dead Heart in a Dead World was their last good album.
I like Jeff Loomis but I can't get into Nevermore.
Also, Ive met several Burzum fans, and they were all pussies with issues
Nevermore, just like Dream Theatre, need to get rid of the vocals and they would be good. Who's worse: LaBrie or Warrel Dane?

and does anybody else think Dane looks like Devin Townsend on crack?
Nevermore, just like Dream Theatre, need to get rid of the vocals and they would be good. Who's worse: LaBrie or Warrel Dane?

and does anybody else think Dane looks like Devin Townsend on crack?

You can't be serious. Warrell Dane is a champion. He's almost on par with Halford or Dickinson. I just wish he wouldn't layer his vocals so much.
:lol: Both their last 2 albums were better than Dead Heart.

At least it's metal. I'll take Nevermore over faggoliths like Agalloch or Isis any day.

I used to like them - then I realized, I don't like being steamrolled into the ground by something going "CHUGA-CHUGA-CHUGA-CHUGA."
Nevermore put on such a horrible show when seeing them and Warrel Dane could not sing at all and after this have not listened to one Nevermore song. I was never a big fan or anything. I think the band is more of a studio band.
Ive heard that before, Warrel Dane sounds ok for 3-4 songs and then his voice shits out. PS Bloodbath-Death Delirium, great song
Warrel Dane sounds fucking amazing when not limiting himself. Don't judge him until you've heard him in Sanctuary.
I generally hate fast drumming as in blast beats. I would rather just listen to traditional death metal bands and just bands in general that are traditional.