contraversial musical opinions

post yours!

here's mine:

Acid Bath sucks. Dax Riggs' lyrics sound like a suicidal 3 year old wrote them.

Acid Bath is a regular band, but i don't have a good or bad opinion about... it doesn't make difference to me

people that don't like grindcore/goregrind are just narrowminded

i agree with you when someone says that dislike grindcore before read the lyrics or search for technics... Grindcore is more feeling than it

all scenegrind sucks...with few exceptions


Swedish death metal > American death metal (barring the Gothenburg stuff...thats just crap)

i dilike to compaire metal bands, and i like both of scenes...

Heartwork was an overrated album.

i disagree... This is a great record

95% of anarcho punk blows, again with a few exceptions (i.e, Crass, Flux Of Pink Indians, and Rudimentary Peni)

i dislike punk, so, i don't have an opinion

oh and while we're at it, UK82 hardcore > UK82 anarcho

modern rock post 1995 blows immense amounts of goat cock.

i dislike rock bands, but i like so much modern PROG rock bands

power metal sucks. no explanation needed.

melodic power metal sucks!!!

brutal death metal > melo-death

of course

modern hip-hop can be two things: either shallow, meaningless tripe, or arty and pretentious. old school hip-hop is good, though.

hip-hop sucks!!! modern, old, new... any kind... just sucks!!!

Mental Funeral > Severed Survival

i like both... i like all Autopsy albuns

Bolt Thrower released two great albums: In Battle There Is No Law and Realm Of Chaos. the rest can suck a fart out of my ass. when they stopped blasting, they started to suck.
ok, so I've probably ruffled a few feathers with this post, if so, I apologize. anyways, start the hatin', playa hatas!

i like all Bolt Thrower too

Bolt Thrower released two great albums: In Battle There Is No Law and Realm Of Chaos.!

I like Realm of Chaos. My favorite BT would be The IVth Crusade. I'm not sure why someone would not like that For Victory and Warmaster.
Yes, Arise was Sepultura's last good CD. Chaos AD was a significant step downwards, and thereafter they really stared to suck. I remember when Beneath the Remains was Sepultura's latest album. They were considered death metal by everyone back then.

I like all Bolt Thrower, and my favorite is For Victory. I don't necessarily think that their grind-ish stuff is their best.
Yes, Arise was Sepultura's last good CD. Chaos AD was a significant step downwards, and thereafter they really stared to suck. I remember when Beneath the Remains was Sepultura's latest album. They were considered death metal by everyone back then.

I like all Bolt Thrower, and my favorite is For Victory. I don't necessarily think that their grind-ish stuff is their best.

cuz they were from Road Runner records and this albun was produced by Scott Burns
I think At The Gates -with fear I kiss the burning darkness sucks.

... and yes I like ATG.
The first half of With Fear... is awesome, the second half is awful.

I'm glad someone kind of agrees with me on this.

The first half of With Fear... is awesome, the second half is awful.

My problems.

1. Both guitars sound out of tune to me or something and do not harmonize and it's just weird and bad.

2. Worst guitar tone ever to the point I do not know why the band or tomas put it on to cd and did not make them re-record the guitar tracks.

3. Just terrible annoying sound.

4. Musically just does not sound cohesive nor is interesting.

I'm not even really picky about production either. Everything about the album just sounds fucked up to me.
I'm glad someone kind of agrees with me on this.

My problems.

1. Both guitars sound out of tune to me or something and do not harmonize and it's just weird and bad.

2. Worst guitar tone ever to the point I do not know why the band or tomas put it on to cd and did not make them re-record the guitar tracks.

3. Just terrible annoying sound.

4. Musically just does not sound cohesive nor is interesting.

I'm not even really picky about production either. Everything about the album just sounds fucked up to me.
Have you ever heard Magus' sole mini-album Ruminations of Debauchery? Now that should take the cake for most atrocious sound. Just fucking awful.

Massacra is overdone Kreator worship and were never more than average. I don't like Kreator either.

Listening to Obituary and Deicide makes me laugh out loud a lot. Prime examples of acts that get recognized more for being influential, rather than for their actual quality.

Demilich is just another tech DM band

Burzum fanboyism is annoying(as annoying as any fanboyism, but this one in particular)

Mayhem and Beherit are completely overrated

I will never understand just what is so mindbendingly horrible about Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk. A definite step down fom their previous album and shoddily produced, but not such a bad record, on its own terms. That said, it is quite overrated, but I understand why it's rated so highly

Immolation's Close to a World Below while really good in places, is probably one of the most overpraised albums in death metal. Immolation, in general are not a very consistent band.

As a general remark,some albums seem to be prased SOLELY because they came out earlier and thus, allegedly, helped to shape the sound of everything that came afterwards. This precedence often overrides the actual quality of the music( ah, dude, what are you listening to? This really sucks. Who cares? Do you know when this came out? In 1984. Now, shut the hell up and worship the pioneers of mediocrity). I'm not relating to anything specific here, but this is what it often feels like with some artists.