contraversial musical opinions

satch plays with tremendous emotion as well, get the album "beautiful guitar". filled with great ballads

I'll put that on my CD buy list. Sounds nice. I might be starting a new job soon so maybe i'll pick that up. Last 3 albums I got this past weekend was: Bloodbath-Nightmares made Flesh, Rotting Christ - A Dead Poem and Pink Floyd - Animals.
Wow your sad if you don't even like Satch lol jk ... anyways I like all types of guitar playing from slow and simple ala Gilmour and Clapton to fast playing ala Vai/Satriani/Rhoads and everything in between. I used to be narrow minded when I was younger and as I got older I got more open minded and appreciate alot more things.

I hold lead playing secondary. Regardless playing guitar the older I guess the less I care how good someone can shred or how good someone is at lead playing. I use to be concerned with technical ability and now it's not an issue. I generally think lead playing is cheesy and not really important. I'm not saying always. Scales and lead playing to me is more about warming up to than making good music. I am not into listening to musicians who just sound like they are jamming and warming up with scales and techniques they know.
I hold lead playing secondary. Regardless playing guitar the older I guess the less I care how good someone can shred or how good someone is at lead playing. I use to be concerned with technical ability and now it's not an issue. I generally think lead playing is cheesy and not really important. I'm not saying always. Scales and lead playing to me is more about warming up to than making good music. I am not into listening to musicians who just sound like they are jamming and warming up with scales and techniques they know.
Its not all about technical ability, you're right. But few people here are trying to show you that instrumentals are not all wankery (Satch, Vai, etc). Heres Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson whom I havent mentioned yet. One of my favorite instrumentals ever.
Its not all about technical ability, you're right. But few people here are trying to show you that instrumentals are not all wankery (Satch, Vai, etc). Heres Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson whom I havent mentioned yet. One of my favorite instrumentals ever.

Damn.. thanx for reminding me... i forgot to post him on my stocktrading forum for someone who wanted me to post more guitarists... that he might like...
I don't like any Metallica, not even their old stuff, apart from 'One'
I don't like Slayer, not even Reign in Blood
Pantera sucks
I don't listen to Iron Maiden (not that I hate them, i just don't listen to them.
Children of Bodom are gayer than a hybrid of Boy George and Elton John
I hold lead playing secondary. Regardless playing guitar the older I guess the less I care how good someone can shred or how good someone is at lead playing. I use to be concerned with technical ability and now it's not an issue. I generally think lead playing is cheesy and not really important. I'm not saying always. Scales and lead playing to me is more about warming up to than making good music. I am not into listening to musicians who just sound like they are jamming and warming up with scales and techniques they know.

That's pretty narrow minded and really lead playing serves a purpose in a song whether it's played slow ala Gilmour/Clapton or a little fast like Vai/Satriani and in between ala Stevie Ray Vaughn... songs without leads would be pretty boring... 1 or 2 songs without leads is fine but all of them... ahh no... Stevie would just be so boring if he didnt play his leads and only rhythm...
Damn.. thanx for reminding me... i forgot to post him on my stocktrading forum for someone who wanted me to post more guitarists... that he might like...
No prob. Ah Via Musicom is stellar. Im going to have to pull that one from the vault and pop that fucker on. Ive got the original case and the "old" style cd (no graphics just lettering). The album came out in 1990 I believe...
No prob. Ah Via Musicom is stellar. Im going to have to pull that one from the vault and pop that fucker on. Ive got the original case and the "old" style cd (no graphics just lettering). The album came out in 1990 I believe...

You call that old style? lol I have the cassette of that album. not the CD :lol:
No b.s., Ive got the cassette too:lol: . If I could scan I'd send it to prove it to you:lol: I also have Flying in a Blue Dream and Passion and Warfare on tape.

I have Flying in a Blue dream on cassette as well as music from other bands/artists.. i grew up in the 80's and refused to switch to CD's back then lol now I'm slowly accepting CD's as everyone is getting into Ipods lol
Dunno if these are controversial at all, but...

1.Slayer are the worst songwriters in metal. Period. If there was a contest for the worst consecutive shit albums, they would win.
2. Drone/noise bands are the brainchildren of people who could not play their instruments worth shit.
3. Most French BM is inane, pseudo-"esoteric" bullshit.

This would be a good time to express my opinions about some people on this forum...

4. I think Dodens is a pretentious asshole who knows his stuff but misuses it.

That is all.
Any retard (like ohiogrinder in this case) can say the most unbelievable crap imaginable and call himself "controversial", so i can't help not joining this stupidity feast and say that everyone who prefers brutal/blackish vocals over clean, was born without ears.

I wasn't trying to be "controversial", as those are my true opinions, you and I just disagree on a lot of stuff. It doesn't make me "deaf" at all. Just because I didn't grow up on traditional metal doesn't make me a moron. I prefer harsh vocals because I am at heart a "hardcore punker" rather than a "metalhead". oh, and you're on ignore for calling me retarded. I see you haven't grown out of childish name-calling, and thats pretty sad.

I'm with Death Delirium on a lot of stuff.
If I remember correctly, Erik was the same.

Most intellectual wannabe's who always think they are right are.. :lol: not that i have a problem with those two... but they think they have a elder mind when they don't.. they still are kids period... but thats ok.. time will change that...
No, it actually really doesn't. Music genres are defined by musical characteristics, and the fact is that Dimmu no longer has the characteristics to be called black metal - they fall in line much closer to Gothic metal nowadays.

What defines Symphonic Black Metal and what defines Gothic Metal, according to you? I find more traces of black metal in Dimmu's sound than in Gothic stuff.

This argument won't go anywhere because, as I said, the definitions of black metal vary in bredth according to each individual's discretion. My definition is rather broad, and I'm keeping it that way.
What defines Symphonic Black Metal and what defines Gothic Metal, according to you? I find more traces of black metal in Dimmu's sound than in Gothic stuff.

Yeah Mort, you really need to explain what makes Dimmu gothic. 'Cause blast beats, fast guitar rhythms, and raspy vocals sure sounds like black metal to me. :) I don't think Zephyrus is really going out on a limb here.