Controversial opinions on metal

And that is what REAL power metal sounds like.

That song is utterly mediocre except for the guitar solo (the only mildly enjoyable part), whiny vocals with boringly flat lackluster riffs and nothing else thrown in to make it more interesting or complex either. This is exactly why typical old-school Power Metal doesn't do much for me, and exactly why Symphonic Power Metal, with the addition of keyboards, choirs, more guitar solos, use of elements from classical music, etc is SO much more superior to it. Needless to say, the Keldian song that you mentioned "Requiem For The Light" is infinitely superior in every way to that old clunker of a song that you just posted.

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Most power metal sucks ass. It is the worst music ever. It sounds like some manly bitch getting fucked with a guitar by some big haired faggot doing taps. Oh wait...
Coming from someone who enjoys Killswitch Engage more then Death Metal, that's just plain laughable. Elitism has nothing to do with debates over a genre of music. Get your definitions straight. For someone so critical of grammatical errors, you really are quite clueless.

Elitism in music involves bashing or insulting bands simply because they play a differing style of music that they see as an abomination, not an argument about whether or not an extremely tame power metal band can be considered metal.
That song is utterly mediocre except for the guitar solo (the only mildly enjoyable part), whiny vocals with boringly flat lackluster riffs and nothing else thrown in to make it more interesting or complex either. This is exactly why typical old-school Power Metal doesn't do much for me, and exactly why Symphonic Power Metal, with the addition of keyboards, choirs, more guitar solos, use of elements from classical music, etc is SO much more superior to it. Needless to say, the Keldian song that you mentioned "Requiem For The Light" is infinitely superior in every way to that old clunker of a song that you just posted.

:lol: sounds like Europe

I'd rather listen to a hot sexy woman sing then some dudes who sound like they never went through puberty backed by really queer music.
Fuck you, and fuck your failure.

All decent bands get bashed left and right here, but everyone gets all butthurt for days over me not liking Demilich (of all the bands!). It's hilarious.

I used to be a fan of bands like Death, Opeth, Cynic, Pink Floyd and The Faceless but Mort Divine showed me how those bands I liked were actually shit and couldn't play their instruments. I now understand the sheer GENIUS of bands like Paramore because my puny mind was unable to grasp it.

One more thing before I go: what is it with all Fagalloch fanboys on here being pretentious chodes? Even the band seems to get annoyed by them, which honestly I can understand. I mean they've done some good stuff but good lord, the way people go on and on and on about their newer albums...
He seems to have typed the plural form of album, but he also seems to have intended to exclude some album(s); thus, I would say he means The Mantle and Ashes Against The Grain.