Controversial opinions on metal

Far From The Maddening Crowd is a good album man, among cheesy Euro-power it's among the better albums of the 00s. Love this song:

This is a perfect example of bad cheese, euro or not.
The talent is there and the vocalist is awesome, but the song writing is lacking and doesn't have the same hooks (especially for the vocals) that Astral Doors has. Far from the maddening crword is just a lot of pointless wankery. Since you listen to this band, if you've never heard of Astral Doors then slap yourself.
No idea how bands like that are considered metal.

Eh, the song posted there got decently riffy for power metal. It's bands like that shitty keyboard dominated pop band people shat themselves over in the power metal thread that deserve the title of metal less than Slipknot.
tbh early Sonata Arctica was definitely metal too. I laugh whenever an Unia avatar-sporting dick claims that Lamb of God is "core" and not metal, though. Pop + metal = ok. Dark ambient + metal = ok. Imitation folk + metal = ok. Glorified thrash with breakdowns and clean/harsh choruses = FALSE. That does not make sense to me.
How is Sonata Artica "Pop Metal"? I would have went with cornbally Power Metal. I sense no popiness in them.
It's bands like that shitty keyboard dominated pop band people shat themselves over in the power metal thread that deserve the title of metal less than Slipknot.

No, fuck that.

Here's how I feel: if a band is so fucking self-conscious that it has to resort to whiny fucking pseudo-intense "depth" in its lyrical content in order to take itself seriously, then it fails not only as metal, but as music in general.

Keldian don't give a fuck about taking themselves seriously, they just write fun, catchy power metal.
what the hell did he say that makes you think it involves their lyrics?

it is about the fact that they play synthpop with guitar solos
He didn't mention their lyrics, but he said they deserve to be called metal less than Slipknot. I was making a value judgment regarding Slipknot (who suck; Keldian, on the other hand, fucking rule).

And they play keyboard-driven power metal; not synth-pop.
How is Sonata Artica "Pop Metal"? I would have went with cornbally Power Metal. I sense no popiness in them.

Unia is the main offender.

Here's how I feel: if a band is so fucking self-conscious that it has to resort to whiny fucking pseudo-intense "depth" in its lyrical content in order to take itself seriously, then it fails not only as metal, but as music in general.

Does Slipknot really sell themselves as having "deep" lyrics? I always thought it was more of an angsty-anyone-can-empathize-with-this-at-moments tr00-to-the-heart angle.

How is Sonata Artica "Pop Metal"? I would have went with cornbally Power Metal. I sense no popiness in them.

It's Europe with more synths and shinier production. If Europe is now the definitive cornbally power metal band, then I guess Sonata Arctica could be considered one as well.