Controversial opinions on metal

I'd rather listen to some good prog rock like Genesis, Pink Floyd, Camel, King Crimson, etc, then Black Sabbath or Led Zeppelin.

The best releases of 2010 are all black metal and/or old school death metal releases. :p
What does it matter what genre some poser mongoloid wants to throw Enslaved into? The fact remains they are still releasing solid music, and is probably the only relevant band from the 2nd wave still going.
Also, The Mantle is Agalloch's worst album and though I've only heard a few clips of their newest, that one might end up being their worst. I'm not digging the thin sound of it at all, might just be Youtube though.

EDIT: Not that The Mantle and Marrow Of The Spirit are bad albums, just not as good as AATG and Pale Folklore.
you are the moron here kid, Queens metal songs are better than anything black sabbath ever did, Queen is on a totally different league, waaaay better musically.

here is one of Queens metal songs that destroys black sabbath

I am glad this faggot is banned.

Queen is good but saying what he said is a clear example of retardation.
I've been gone for 3-4 days. I'm just expressing gratitude that I get to come back to see some idiot, that should've been banned long ago, actually banned.
Burzum Filosofem > Hvis Lyset Tar Oss

Not sure how controversial that is...

I don't think anyone is going to get up in arms about it, though I suspect most people with an opinion on the matter would tend to disagree. It really depends on how you feel about Filosofem's "Odinpop" approach.
Its just that the first two songs of Filosofem are so good that they make up for the rest of the album. All the other songs are pretty boring.

Hvis Lyset Tar Oss has a more consistent feel throughout, and yet nothing extremely amazing. Still a great album though

It really depends on what im in the mood for actually
"Odinpop"? :lol:

Also both are great albums. It just depends which you like better; a cohesive, amazing album (HLTO) or a collection of amazing tracks (Filosofem).
Its just that the first two songs of Filosofem are so good that they make up for the rest of the album. All the other songs are pretty boring.

Hvis Lyset Tar Oss has a more consistent feel throughout, and yet nothing extremely amazing. Still a great album though

Strange. When there are complaints about Hvis lyset tar oss, the complaint is almost always that, while "Det som engang var" and "Tomhet" are super ultra awesome ("Det som engang var" is certainly the most widely praised Burzum track, and maybe the most widely praised black metal song, period - and deservedly so), the two tracks in between are relatively pedestrian. Personally, I don't buy that argument, because I think that "Hvis lyset tar oss" and "Inn i slottet fra drømmen" aren't really supposed to be standalone "songs" so much as movements that only make sense when appreciated in context.
I used to favour Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and Filosofem years ago but these days I think Burzum is my favourite along with Det Som Engang Var.
The self-titled is pretty class, but DSEV is... eh. As big of a Burzum fanboi I am, I only really like a couple tracks on it. :/