Controversial opinions on metal

Suidakra had one dud with Command to Charge which was pretty awful...but Caledonia and Crogacht were really good efforts with a pretty sweet return to form for Arkadius who I think it's safe to say everyone was scared for with CtC (coming off the heels of the badass Signs for the Fallen).

Signs for the Fallen is such a fucking awesome record, and potentially pulls off the Gothenburg style better than the actual bands from that scene (or at least, better than a vast majority of their releases). They found the perfect balance on that album of that style and their own brand of melodic death metal.
Everything SuidAkra have done is great. I'm not enthralled by all their realses, but I can sit down with each one and enjoy it. Even the poor production on Lupine Essence is great, gives the release personality.

Rain fell within = one of the most underrated metal band of all time., and they're disbanded!!
Says the person that thinks any album with a thing like Vampire Sun can be called the best of anything. Nothing personal against Cathedral though. Doom metal is such a terrible genre when done wrong, which is what so many bands are guilty of. There is almost no musical merit to the genre and as such it relies entirely on mood/atmosphere. If the latter is present then great, but your typical Sabbath-clone is just as kitsch as any modern stoner rock retro band. Disgusting music.