Controversial opinions on metal

I wouldn't classify them as 'progressive' at all. They're just a straight up metal band, really. And boring? Have you heard Jeff Loomis play the guitar? The guy's in a league of his own. Warrel might be an acquired taste, but I love his voice. It's so distinctive. And the vocal melodies he comes up with are sometimes inhuman. Haunting and beautiful. Don't get my started on his lyrics (easily the best writer going). And of course Van Williams is just insane behind the kit. No, I really can't think of a more talented band. Believe me, I've tried. Nevermore reign atop the metal world.
Well, Loomis is a talented guitar player. Dane's vocals fit their music imo. I enjoy some of their works, "Dead Heart in a Dead World" and "This Godless Endeavor" have both good songs. And that's all, I guess.

Don't consider them a "progressive" band. And yes, they're overrated.
Well, Loomis is a talented guitar player. Dane's vocals fit their music imo. I enjoy some of their works, "Dead Heart in a Dead World" and "This Godless Endeavor" have both good songs. And that's all, I guess.

Don't consider them a "progressive" band. And yes, they're overrated.

I actually like most of their discography but their new one bores me to shits. Big fan of Loomis' guitar playing though. Progressive though? I think not. It's pretty much just alot of diminished based guitar riffs with clean vocals.
I love Nevermore and I think Danes voice and his sense of melody is pretty great. Progressive? Nah, probably not but quite technical from a guitar player standpoint.

This being said I was gravely disapointed in the latest album. Overall very boring and some parts I even felt was pretty bad. Not without highlights but far from what I expected. And I have liked or loved everything from "dreaming neon black" up to "this godless endeavour" (never heard the two first ones).
Big Nevermore fan, but yeah, the most recent album was pretty mediocre. Loomis wasn't as prominently featured it seemed, which is inexplicable. I enjoy Dane and all, but Loomis makes the band.

His solo album is also well worth picking up.
Blut Aus Nord are overrated. No, they're certainly not bad, but none of their material catches my ear like I would think given the praise they get around here. Seems like they're an average band with an awesome name. I'm still trying to like them, however.
I don't think Blut Aus Nord's music isn't exactly supposed to be ear catching or mind blowing. It's minimalistic black metal half the time on top of avant garde whatever the fuck you wanna call it. It's music for contemplation I guess, alot like Burzum or most black metal bands for that matter. I didn't like them at all when I first heard them but I decided to give them a chance and I'm glad I did.
Dunno how controversial this is, but Awaken the Guardian is the only worthwhile thing Fates Warning did. The earlier stuff is alright but really doesn't hold a candle to it and the later stuff is boring prog crap.
Blut Aus Nord are overrated. No, they're certainly not bad, but none of their material catches my ear like I would think given the praise they get around here. Seems like they're an average band with an awesome name. I'm still trying to like them, however.

+1. Incredibly over rated band. In fact, I'd say they're pretty much shit (from what I've heard). It isn't worth trying to like a band. Either you do or you don't. Forcing it just begs the question.
I'm not surprised the Nevermore fan doesn't appreciate them. The Work Which Transforms God is one of the most frightening albums ever recorded, it's one of the very rare albums that perfectly captures a mood, it sucks you into a vortex of chaos and filth and then somehow draws out this sense of majesty and awe.

The other landmark album is Ultima Thulee which is probably my favourite example of ambient BM, it is gorgeously hypnotic.
+1. Incredibly over rated band. In fact, I'd say they're pretty much shit (from what I've heard). It isn't worth trying to like a band. Either you do or you don't. Forcing it just begs the question.

I'd pretty much agree. They got one über-awesome song, but otherwise they look/sound just like boring artfaggotry to me.
Blut Aus Nord are overrated. No, they're certainly not bad, but none of their material catches my ear like I would think given the praise they get around here. Seems like they're an average band with an awesome name. I'm still trying to like them, however.

Blut Aus Nord have released awesome stuff like Memoria Vetusta II: Dialogue with the Stars, Ultima Thule and The Work which Transforms God. They've also released regular or even boring albums like MoRT and Odinist. Haven't checked the new one yet.

Just try the right albums, they're really good.
Dunno how controversial this is, but Awaken the Guardian is the only worthwhile thing Fates Warning did. The earlier stuff is alright but really doesn't hold a candle to it and the later stuff is boring prog crap.

I'd put Awaken the Guardian in the bottom half of their discography, although to lessen the controverialness of that statement, I still think that it's very good, and they are my favorite band. The vocal melodies are at least half of the appeal to that album for me, and they're buried under the guitars (which don't seem nearly as dynamic as on The Spectre Within to warrant such a production). A lot of people say that the muffled sound and whatever gives it a mystical atmosphere and blah blah blah, but aside from Guardian and Exodus (which are both incredible) I don't especially feel it.

Warrel Dane is really quite good on the first Sanctuary album. He is bad on everything else.

What's wrong with his vocals on Into the Mirror Black? The fact that he shows the slightest bit of restraint on it? I love falsetto fellatio as much as the next guy, but really. To bring up Fates Warning again, it's almost as silly as saying No Exit had Alder's best performance.