Controversial opinions on metal

Does anyone here have their self titled album,or have even heard it? I have it on vinyl and it slays,got it from Miskatonic but was only released in 500 copies,i've been after a cd copy for ages.

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Yeah,it's them at their best for sure,it really needs a re-issue,I cannot for the life of me understand why that album is not more readily available,it's almost criminal that it's not.
Yeah, I have the self titled on CD, but it was a reissue. I think, iirc I bought it from that well known purveyor of kvlt metal, Amazon "Used and New".
Christ, I guess about 4 or 5 years ago ? It came in used condition, but pretty well looked after. I don't think I paid much more than £6 or £7 quid for it ?
Great pickup! I just had a squiz and no luck,i've looked everywhere periodically for around the same time for a cd copy and have just about given up,until they get their ass into gear and give it a proper re-issue.I don't suppose you feel like selling your copy?
Ach, sorry my man. Even though these days I tend to just play the album from the ripped version via the media centre, I can't stand the thought of not owning something I used to own. I'm a bit weird like that - I have hundreds; nay thousands of promo-CD's too, but I can't get rid of any of them, even the ones I have only ever played to review.

I hate to think what kind of a weirdo hoarding bastard I'll be once I get older - it's bad enough now!
Actually, you're quite correct. Nevermore never bore, that's a solidified fact. They're the best metal band going IMO. The sheer amount of raw talent in that band should be illegal.

Warrel Dane is the worst vocalist I can name, besides the one and only James LaBrie. If you think he sucks on the albums, you should see that fucker live. He doesn't even know how to sing his own songs.
They do seem to be particularly boring,i've had their albums before and just could'nt get into them,dunno if they're worth listening to again or not.It just seemed at the time that there were far more interesting bands worth my time...'mediocre' would be a word i'd use in describing them.
I don't find them awful, but by jove I find them:

a) Almost endlessly praised
b) Extremely tiresome in the live environment
c) Fairly bland, even for a "progressive" band.