Controversial opinions on metal

Outside of their power metal and vodka, is there anything else they produce that people actually like?

Videos of uneducated teenaged males doing dangerous things and dying.

I know sludge doesnt get the love here it should... but

Acid Bath
Corrosion of Conformity

Pretty much every influential/important/good release in the genre came from the US (minus Iron Monkey)

Since you included 'good': Fudge Tunnel.
I used to think France had the worst output taking size and location into consideration, but then someone reminded me of Spain. What a worthless country.
Spain? I doubt you have even heard of Spanish metal bands.

Yeah, that's the whole point.

I can name drop Wormed, Mago de Oz, and Exoto without relying on Metal-Archives. Maybe Red Wine as well; can't remember if they're Spanish or Mexican. Wormed is the only one that doesn't objectively suck, and they're hardly top-class tech-death themselves. Hence, worthless country.
Cythraul hit it out of the park on American metal. Let's face it, it's "cool" to talk shit about anything and everything American. I really doubt that the U.S. is the worst culture in today's world. What about Russia? Outside of their power metal and vodka, is there anything else they produce that people actually like?

I'm a big fan of Russian culture. It's a very beautiful country. Part of my family is Russian, but I am not biased in stating their enormous influence on classical music, in fact dominating the 1890-1920 era with names like Profokiev Tchaikovsky Stravinsky Rimsky-Korsakov and Mussorgsky. They were also highly influential on 20th century painting. Non-artistic fields such as modern sports science and satellite technology are also highly Russian-derived.
yeah it's good stuff, I kind of wrote him off as overrated and not my style but I was in the car listening to the classical station and it was in the middle of a phenomenal symphony and I was racking my brain trying to figure out who it was and it was Tchaikovsky's 5th symphony, I was blown away and got a bunch of his stuff. Fantastic so far
Russia has some ok black metal. There's the folk/black metal stuff like Temnozor and then there's the Blazebirth Hall bands, the best of which are Branikald and Forest. Those bands do atmospheric bm better than pretty much anybody post-90s Burzum IMO (aside from Sorcier des Glaces). I've been listening to Like a Blaze Above the Ashes by Forest a lot lately, a good album for that style of bm.

edit: Oh, also, Pagan Reign were from Russia. Their last album, Tverd, is by far the most asskicking folk metal album of all time. Even if you don't like folk metal, you've gotta appreciate the riffs and the aggression and energy of this release.
Actually, Germany has more and better power metal bands than the US. Just think Helloween, Gamma Ray, Blind Guardian, Edguy, Grave Digger, Rage, Running Wild, Primal Fear etc.

There are also a lot of bands in Spain, but most play traditional metal and are not so well known.
Do you only listen to black and avant-garde/experimental/whatever metal? There's very little Norwegian metal I can think of otherwise. A few semi-notable death metal bands, a couple of kvlt traditional/power bands... oh, and TNT.

I listen to all kinds of metal, and overall I listen to more death metal than black metal. However, if I were to assemble a list of the ten greatest metal albums, four or five would probably be Norwegian.
I listen to all kinds of metal, and overall I listen to more death metal than black metal. However, if I were to assemble a list of the ten greatest metal albums, four or five would probably be Norwegian.

It's true, Norway has alot more than just black metal. Even Theatre of Tragedy is from Norway
I listen to all kinds of metal, and overall I listen to more death metal than black metal. However, if I were to assemble a list of the ten greatest metal albums, four or five would probably be Norwegian.

That still has to be some gigantic bias towards black metal... because I'm just not seeing these other fantastic bands/releases after searching around a bit.