Controversial opinions on metal

Only the most obvious bands. Outside of those, Diamond Head, Satan, and a couple others, most of the NWOBHM was very bland. USPM's dominance is further proof of American superiority.

the USPM bands that are worthy of being named in the same post don't really outnumber the good British bands.

Also, I wasn't really planning on discussing the supposed NWOBHM but it seems to include black metal and proto trash were as USPM is all more or less interchangeable. If you want an example, Liege Lord, Attacker and Brocas Helm would sound the same as each other if they had the same vocalist.
I cannot agree that Attacker(Helm's Deep), Liege Lord(Master Control/Freedom's Rise) and Brocas Helm (Into Battle) sound at all the same. You're high bro!
I don't think it's fair to compare the two diversity wise because NWOBHM can describe anything from Iron Maiden to Venom to Witchfinder General, while USPM is more or less straight up heavy metal.
Well anyway my actual point was that the old British heavy metal bands were better than USPM. Black Fucking Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest. That might be three bands, but to be fair, there aren't any USPM bands that are as good as them. We invented it and we made the best shit there was early on. Fucking Axeman and the virgin by Silver Mountain was all Sweden had back in the day. Oh and some non metal by Heavy Load.

It sounds a bit like I'm saying USPM sucks, which is not how I feel at all. Some of it rules, but it isn't without its limitations.
we took formulas from what British bands had and added onto it.

But it isn't really fair to compare the two because one happened after another. It's like trying to compare Morbid Angel with Slayer.
Well anyway my actual point was that the old British heavy metal bands were better than USPM. Black Fucking Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest. That might be three bands, but to be fair, there aren't any USPM bands that are as good as them. We invented it and we made the best shit there was early on. Fucking Axeman and the virgin by Silver Mountain was all Sweden had back in the day. Oh and some non metal by Heavy Load.

It sounds a bit like I'm saying USPM sucks, which is not how I feel at all. Some of it rules, but it isn't without its limitations.

heavy load is awesome and undeniably fucking metal
The US has produced classics in just about every genre of metal and is also among the best in almost every genre as well, arguably with the exception of black metal. That's not to say that the US is not without its good black metal bands, even if some are of too weak of fiber to handle it: Absu, Alioth, Averse Sefira, Black Goat, Cult of Daath, Dark Psychosis, Demoncy, Grand Belial's Key, Havohej, I Shalt Become, In Memorium, Into the Sunless Meridian, (arguably) Inquisition), Judas Iscariot, Krieg, Krohm, Masochist, N.M.E., Night Conquers Day, Nightbringer, Profanatica, Resuscitator, Tearstained, Von, Von Goat, Weakling, Weltmacht, and Wind of the Black Mountains have all put out worthwhile material, not including Akhenaten's side projects that took place while he was in Germany, foremost among them being Flagellator. Some of these Black Twilight Circle bands even are not too bad. I have a Furdidurke tape and an Ashdautus CD that I certainly don't mind at all, as well as the related Bone Awl, and I'm sure I would find more to like the more I listened.

Sometimes it's absolutely absurd how moronically overlooked the US is when it comes to death metal. It's like the only bands anyone knows are Death, Suffocation, Immolation, Incantation, Morbid Angel, Obituary, Autopsy, and maybe Deicide and Atheist. As if those bands alone were not enough to rank them among the best along with Sweden, Finland, the UK, and the Netherlands. People don't even think about shit like Master, Nocturnus, Order from Chaos, Hellwitch, Divine Eve, the aforementioned Brutality, Monstrosity, Malevolent Creation, Morpheus Descends, and dozens more. Honestly, the US, taking into consideration both quantity and quality of good material (and ignoring worthless elements like population size and the amount of shit bands, as if they were relevant), is probably the 'best' country for death metal, for whatever that is worth and whatever that actually means.
Are you shitting me? You're actually saying that Absu - the band that recorded Tara - doesn't even rival 3rd tier bands from most European countries? Do you seriously believe that? Only somebody with an irrational, quasi-religious love of European metal can say stuff like that. I mean, what on Earth is a 3rd tier European band in your universe?
Maybe I exaggerated but Tara (or any other Absu-album) isn't really anything superspecial in my book. Guess I should give it more listens.
I don't think it's fair to compare the two diversity wise because NWOBHM can describe anything from Iron Maiden to Venom to Witchfinder General, while USPM is more or less straight up heavy metal.

Yup ... Savatage, Virgin Steele, Manilla Road, Warlord, Fates Warning, Jag Panzer etc. are straight up heavy metal.
I hate garage inc and wish Metallica had never done it. The good covers mean that every time I play Diamond head or Blitzkrieg some 13 year old gimp will want to show me the Metallica cover as if I hadn't fucking heard it and the non metal covers are fucking awful.
Of course they don't. That's not the point.
I found both discs worthwhile. Two is obviously better, but one is often entertaining. I fucking love their cover of Whiskey in the Jar, and it really does demonstrate that although Hetfield may no longer have any aptitude for singing metal, he really does have a good voice.