Controversial opinions on metal

That's controversial for a metalhead. :cool:

The Beatles began the revolution of modern rock recording and songwriting. Without them we wouldn't have bands like Sabbath, Floyd, Zeppelin, Tull, Genesis, etc.

However, every single band that I just named surpassed The Beatles, wrote more mature music than The Beatles, are better musicians than The Beatles, and just basically own The Beatles in the ass.

Still, you gotta give the lads from Liverpool some credit.
I own more Beatles albums than Sabbath albums tbh.

You pointed out one of mine too!
I guess thats not so controversial after all :erk:
Maybe on a metal forum, it is a bit.
ppl just go whack when i listen to them and meshuggah side by side:lol:
The only good heavy metal band is Impaled Nazarene, everything else is just different levels of terrible.
Wow I didnt know Eleanor Rigby was a cover, that song just owns face on Endless War
One of their more famous songs.

They were overrated, Sabbath owns them.
Failure. It's like saying Bolt Thrower is better than Kanye West; they aren't really comparable. The Beatles were a big fucking deal. So were Sabbath.

The only good heavy metal band is Impaled Nazarene, everything else is just different levels of terrible.
Tip for next time: When trolling, make it less obvious.
Beatles started it, but they put out some godawful crap. What I liked, I liked alot, but I hated the stuff they didn't do right. Black Sabbath is similar.