Controversial opinions on metal

I definitely like old-school hip-hop better, but there are still artists today like Atmosphere and Deichkind that release good material:

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Evolution IS the development of something with outside influences. That's how it works.

Although, to contradict myself, I agree because I'd say slam/brutal is the logical next step for death in the vein of Cannibal Corpse and Deicide.

Of course evolution requires outside influence, but deathcore is a combination of two genres, therefore it is not a evolution, as instead of naturally growing out of a genre, it is a slam bam mixture of two quite different genres.
Atmosphere, Sage Francis and MF Doom are a few of the only rap acts I will be able to actively enjoy.

Also Deathcore is closer to two separate species of animals mating to produce a naturally flawed abomination than it is evolution.
A lot of tech death bands arent really that death metally as far as I'm concerned.

Technical metal with harsh vocals sounds better to me.
That's just too many goddamn syllables. Why not say "technically proficient vaguely aggressive music with a vocal styling that comes across as generally aggressive"?

It's tech-death dude. Same attitude as other death variants, just musically slightly different. You can't say Brain Drill or Augury don't have the same spirit as Suffocation and Cryptopsy.
You can't say Brain Drill or Augury don't have the same spirit as Suffocation and Cryptopsy.

I think you could absolutely make a case that they dont share the same spirit, definitely the bands you posted, anyway...

I could just be talking out of my ass, but it feels like Suffocation and early Cryptopsy were just writing/playing death metal that turned out to be techincal. Those other two set out to play technical death metal. (especially brain drill... )

It just takes the soul out of it... I'm not saying all tech death bands do this, btw.
Krow is right. Brain Drill are highly skilled at playing their instruments, but they should probably let someone else write the music. Augury are doing something totally different, imo. They don't sound like they've set out to be technical, and they also don't sound like they've set out to be brutal. I'm basing this on Concealed.
Brain Drill is horrible, fucking laser beam sweeps piss me the fuck off.

Augury is meh, IMO, I feel they could really be badass but something's missing. I only listened to their last album a couple times, and I saw them live...but I don't know, it just doesn't click. Sick ass bass player though