Controversial opinions on metal

Brain Drill is horrible, fucking laser beam sweeps piss me the fuck off.

Augury is meh, IMO, I feel they could really be badass but something's missing. I only listened to their last album a couple times, and I saw them live...but I don't know, it just doesn't click. Sick ass bass player though

Saw them live as well and love the Fragmentary Evidence album.
Troll harder, faggot.

You do know that a lot of metal fans think that Necrophagist is mallcore right? I am just pointing it out. I am not trolling. Just pointing out the fact that there are people who think Necrophagist are mallcore. Get over yourself.

Back on topic. Brain Drill over-do it. There are plenty of good technical death metal bands that incorporate difficult riffs into their play; yet they make it sound good. Sweeps alone don't make a band sound good. That's one problem I always had with Origin; they play their sweeps too fast. Sometimes it adds a nice effect, but goddamn.
Augury are one of the very few bands that fall near the tech death genre that I actually enjoy. Melodically, they're absolutely incredible. I still prefer Concealed, but Fragmentary Evidence has been slowly creeping up the appreciation ladder.
Limp Bizkit is METAL.

This is a very big controversial issue for me, being a huge Metal fan. I for one think if you're a true Metal head \m/ you have to have Limp Bizkit in your favorite's column.

Fred Durst is a genius, he was a pioneer of the Metal subgenre Nu-Metal and revolutionized heavy metal to the hard shit we listen to today. Some might say that it is spin and he wasn't responsible for anything - just my point of view toward music. To classify Limp Bizkit as anything else but Metal is just showing a biased hatred toward the band for their accolades through the late 90s - early 2000s. Yes, I agree they fell off but that doesn't mean you should strip them of their label as METAL.

This is a mother fucking show, this is Metal.. RAP METAL... NU METAL whatever you want to call it, THIS IS METAL - watch this video with an open mind.

Fred Durst, Wes Borland, Sam Rivers, John Otto, DJ Lethal.

You heard my opinion - say what you got to say, call me a troll or whatever. Just wanted my voice to be heard. I love Metal music and I love this band to death. Call it Emo, call it whatever. This was the first ever band I got into... if it wasn't for Limp Bizkit, I wouldn't be listening to metal music.

That is all, thanks.
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You do know that a lot of metal fans think that Necrophagist is mallcore right? I am just pointing it out. I am not trolling. Just pointing out the fact that there are people who think Necrophagist are mallcore. Get over yourself.

I can only think of two groups of people that would ever classify them as mallcore. These two groups would of course be trolls and the incompetent.
A term that was most frequently used in the initial rise of nu-metal bands that has no true definition short of describing something that is trendy / 'mall rats' consume on a regular basis.
Seeing as the term was most often attributed to bands like Korn, GodSmack and Slipknot applying it to Necrophagist is an extremely large stretch that is merely there because of a small hipster centered group of their fan base.
I remember that I used to think the term was malcore, like malware or malady or whatever, a term for "core" that was really bad and damaging to ones health. That was around the same time I realized there was no death metal band called Decide.
Seeing as the term was most often attributed to bands like Korn, GodSmack and Slipknot applying it to Necrophagist is an extremely large stretch that is merely there because of a small hipster centered group of their fan base.

It has nothing to do with hipsters but more with the fact that they are grouped together with various mall death metal bands.
"Mallcore" is just a juvenile term used by some metalheads to describe any metal band or often so-called "nu-metal" bands that they don't like. There's no truth to any meaning it was initially given. The usage of the term just strikes me as being some sort of reaction-formation given how hard these people try with their obvious fixation to something they claim to dislike so much.